Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another LIE...

Just like the muslims tell us that islam is a "religion" of peace and tolerance, when it's quite the opposite, the Latinos have their lie.
The lie is that they are hardworking and pay taxes.
The truth is:
(1) Of the thousands of gangs in this country, over 90% are Latino.
(2) The flow of drugs into this country comes primarily from Latin-American countries.
(3) Latinos pay NO TAXES. When those that do file a tax return, they say that they have 10 dependents and not only get back any taxes that they may have paid but get even more because of the "earned income" provision.
(4) Mexico has set up schools to teach their people how to enter the U.S. (illegally) and apply for every "freebie" benefit available.
(5) There are schools in Mexico to teach islamic terrorists to speak and act like Mexicans before they illegally cross into the U.S.
(6) The President of Mexico has ordered our President to not enforce any immigration laws with the 1200 troops that are being sent to the border. Obama has told these troops to only enforce gun and drug trafficking laws.
(7) The majority of Latinos get some form of taxpayer funded aid.
(8) The majority of Latinos work "off the books" and pay no taxes or Social Security or Medicare.
(9) Illegal aliens are prosecuted 20 times less than U.S. citizens for the same crimes.
(10) Illegal aliens carry no auto insurance or drivers licenses even though they are on our roads.
If this isn't enough, let me know and I'm happy to give you as many examples of this (and more) to let you know just how much you're being ripped off by the lackadaisical attitude this administration has regarding this issue.


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