Sunday, January 02, 2011

Out Commander and Cheif Liar

Lie: 1. Something meant to deceive or give a false impression. 2. An act of omission.
Lies come in several different forms, such as not saying it the way it is, not telling it all, outright lie, "bending" the truth, omitting truths, etc.
Our President, Mr. Obama, with the help of some of his henchmen (and henchwoman) lies to us almost every time he addresses the press or the public.
Some examples are:
(1) He brags about how his stimulus package has created jobs.
The truth is that he has expanded gov't. with 400,000 new gov't. jobs. He refuses to mention that of the 6 million jobs lost in the private sector (2.5 million are permanently lost), not one has been created with the stimulus package.
(2) He talks about our energy problem and says that he wants to build new nuclear plants. He doesn't tell you that his policies about the environment and legislation passed by Democrats, prohibit any new nuclear plants being built.
(3) While on vacation, he signs a bill giving medical help to the first responders to 911. He does not tell you that he also created four more agencies at the same time.
I have hundreds of examples of his lies, half truths, etc.
Fortunately for him, he can blame everything that we're against on others. He "threw his own party under the bus", knowing full well that most of those voting for his Health Care Bill would not be re-elected. Now he can sit back and with this new Congress, he can take credit for everything they do to make this country better and blame them for any failures. He gets to have it both ways.
Most of you keep your heads buried in the sand and ignore finding out what this evil man (with the help of his evil henchmen, Pelosi, Reid, etc.) is really up to. His sole intent is to reduce this country to that of the rest of the world. His Health Care and Energy programs alone, will cause each of us more than we can realize while they will also cause even more unemployment.
So, when Obama brags about some "wonderful" new bill that he has signed, read the entire bill to see all of the other things that he has had his henchmen slip into it. As an example, over 50% of the Health Care Bill is loaded with things that have absolutely nothing to do with health care.
By your refusal to challenge what the press tells you, and your willingness to still believe in "Hope & Change", you will let this man destroy your way of life as well as your future. By now, there's no argument that Obama is an elitist, a socialist and a fool.


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