Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't you get it ???

Our government was almost "shut down" by this administration because our Congress couldn't come up with a budget.
First of all, over 700,000 government employees were considered as "non-essential". Well, if the country can continue without these "non-essential" workers,; that shows you one example of how large this government has grown. Of course the grants to ACORN, NEA, EPA, etc. weren't even considered in any cuts in spending.
It finally came down to Congress fighting over supporting Planned Parenthood. Why does the government even involved with this organization in the first place ?
The biggest slap in the face to the American people was that Obama was going to keep our troops (all of them are volunteers) fighting two (soon to be three) wars and halt their pay...putting an additional strain on the families of these men and women of our Armed Forces.
Bringing down the cost of running our government is easy. The following should be done;
(1) Discontinue Foreign Aid.
(2) Resign from the U.N. and use that building (in Manhattan) for housing.
(3) Eliminate all departments that take away states rights (like Department of Education).
(4) Stop funding special interest organizations (like ACORN, NEA, EPA, etc.)
(5) Reduce (or freeze) Congressional salaries.
(6) Eliminate pensions for all 1 & 2 term Congress members.
(7) Institute the Fair Tax and then the IRS is no longer needed.
(8) Stop borrowing.
(9) "Grandfather" all recipients of Social Security and set up a new plan for those still contributing to it.
(10) Reduce or eliminate subsidies to corporations.
...and this list could go on and on...
The bottom line is that our government is so large that it is no longer affordable. In addition to this is the fact that it is run by incompetent people that permit our Constitution to be violated by a tyrannical President.
If you think this country is being ruined, watch out if Obama gets re-elected. He then has nothing to lose (since he doesn't have to worry about getting elected again) by completely destroying our country.
Don't you get it yet ??? If you don't, then you're really stupid and shouldn't even be allowed to vote.


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