Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All about oil ???

I really don't understand what Obama is doing regarding oil.
In his speech last night, he left out why we really are in Libya. The real reason is to protect the oil fields there.
The problem is that Libyan oil goes to European countries (not us).
He was just down in Brazil and committed $2 Billion to help finance the George Soros owned offshore drilling, while getting in the way of drilling offshore in the United States.
Brazil does not need our money as
(1) they're one of the fastest growing economies in the world
(2) most of their vehicles run on alcohol
(3) they're totally independent from buying foreign oil
(4) there are numerous investors in Brazil's oil (Petrobas) ventures

Of the 192 countries in the world, the United States gives away tens of billions in "aid" to over 150 of them. Most of these countries are either our enemies or want to see the demise of America. Why we give money to China or Saudi Arabia is beyond any reasonable thinking.
In a recent interview with an official from China; when asked why they don't help out in world disasters or send military aid to conflicts around the world, his comment was, "We are building our country and our military and none of the problems in the world are ours to interfere with. Besides, if the United States wants to throw away their money on ungrateful people, that is in our best interest". Why is this administration borrowing billions to give away while increasing our debt to the rest of the world ?
Why do we give money to China, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Venezuela, Germany, France, Canada, etc., etc., etc. ?
I don't want to believe that Obama is a complete IDIOT, but every day, by his actions, lies and agenda, I am convinced that he is either really stupid or very clever in dismantling our country.

By now we can see the hipocracy of this administration. They condemn the Bush administration for attacking Iraq. Before doing so, Bush got the approval of Congress (as laid out in our Constitution), while Obama committed our military to Libya without any approval from anyone.
I guess that he can do this as he is more of a Dictator than a President. He is "hell bent" on destroying our country and way of life by spending us into bankruptcy. By now, most of you know that he is the puppet of those that are directing the fall of the United States.
You all know that no other country will come to our aid when we're finally in the "dumpster".
We must get rid of Obama before he destroys us...........................


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