Thursday, April 21, 2011

While we're engaged in two wars and on the verge of a third, while parts of our country are reeling from disasters, while our economy is failing, while the gov't. is on the verge of not being unable to meet its financial obligations......
our President is flying around the country (at taxpayer's expense) attending campaign rallies and dinners to raise money for his re-election campaign.
At these events, he is either changing history or outright telling lies to those giving him money.
As an example: At a $35,000 per seat dinner in Los Angeles this week, he told the attendees how he grew up in poverty, his grandmother living on food stamps and welfare. He told of how his mother was on food stamps while she was attending college for her PhD.
The REAL TRUTH is that his grandmother was the Vice President of the largest bank in Hawaii, his stepfather was the Vice President of an oil company, there is no record of his mother ever having received (or applied for) food stamps, and his "poverty" was that he attended the most expensive private schools thanks to his grandmother. Meanwhile, his brother lives in a hut.
Obama has never been poor, never held a real job, is best known as a Community Organizer (THUG) and has no qualifications to hold any public office (from dog catcher to mail carrier).
Obama is a liar, wastes our tax money for personal gain and is not interested in making America better.
Last year he slashed a federal program in order to fund one of Michele's pet projects. Obama is exploiting his position to the point of dereliction of duty and should be not only impeached but RECALLED and removed from office in disgrace.


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