Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Obama games...

What the hell is the matter with Obama ???
First he played the birth certificate game...gonna show it, not gonna show it, gone show it, etc. until it was finally shown.
Now he is playing the same game, again with weak excuses over showing the pictures of the dead bin Laden. First we were told that they were going to be shown, then not shown, then again shown, and now, not to be released. We were shown the pictures of the hanging of Husein, why not bin Laden ?
A poor excuse is that it would anger our enemies....absurd, they will try to kill us regardless
Is this game being played to avert our attention from his destruction of our monetary system ? The Fed is printing money at an unprecedented rate to the point where the countries holding our T-Bills, bonds, dollars and other debt will be forced to dump these paper obligations, reducing the dollar to almost zero. Every few days we see the dollar declining against other world currencies as it forces up prices on everything needed to sustain life (such as food, gasoline, clothing, medicine, etc.). If you think prices are high now, "you ain't seen nuth'in yet". As an example, when they did exactly the same thing in Argentina, inflation reached over 4000% before the people did anything about it. Watch for the Dollar to be replaced as the world's currency for world trade. It's already being considered in the U.N. and of course by OPEC.
As far as bin Laden being killed, that could be merely a political ploy. Obama's credibility and approval ratings were plunging so he needed to do something. Why not have bin Laden assassinated on his watch ?
Did you notice the lack of any medications in the bin Laden compound ? It is well documented that bin Laden was getting dialysis treatments for kidney failure. Nothing in the compound validated this. Could the person that was killed have been a look-a-like just as Saddam Husein had ? Could bin Laden already be dead or maybe alive in another country ? Isn't it strange that he was buried at sea within hours of his assassination ?
Regardless of what is the truth, can you, in your heart of hearts believe anything that we're being told by this President that already is on record as a LIAR to us dozens of times so far ?
Obama is taking full credit for the Seal team that Bush put in place and has been training for years for this assignment. As early as July 2010, the Pentagon had known that bin Laden was in that compound and every time that an attack was put into motion (5 times in 2010 and 2011), Obama had it canceled. Why did he let it happen this time ? To boost his sagging ratings...DUH !
Yet you still see Obama as the great messiah. Of course he will be re-elected because of how he got his last election, only this time, overwhelmingly. Every person in Chicago's cemeteries will vote for him like they did in his first election, most blacks will vote for him just because he's black, all of the registered to vote illegal aliens will vote for him, and of course most ignorant liberals will vote for him as well as those that vote more than once. This is exactly what happened (thanks to gov't. funded ACORN) in his election. That will be enough votes to win election again.
How much damage and how many lies do you need before we get rid of this scourge of America ? You don't have to agree with my bias against him, but you owe it to yourself to research his day-to-day actions, his Presidential Orders, etc. to verify that Obama (under the direction of George Soros, the Bank of England and a few others) is determined to cripple the United States of America. Unless you do something soon in getting this man out of office, your way of life as well as the American dream will fall to the point where we're nothing more than a third world country. I know you can't imagine that right now, but that's the direction that we're heading in by continuing to "drink the Obama cool-aid.
Let's stop this decline and turn our country around to being the richest, most powerful, most progressive, best educated and most prosperous country in the world, as it once was. To do this starts with getting rid of Obama and everyone in his regime out of government as soon as tomorrow.....time is not on your side.


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