Monday, May 16, 2011

What to do ???

Like you, I've been drinking the same government made "Cool Aid". We are fed well spun "facts and figures" that are not at all true, showing how our economy is recovering, how we're winning wars, tales of how well we live, how our universities are the best, how well our food supply is monitored, how much energy we have, etc.
The truth is that we are behind the world in everything except taxes and crime.
The southern border of our country is now listed as the most dangerous border in the world. Our university graduates have received a substandard (at best) education, over 10% of our population goes to bed hungry almost every night. The government is spending more (on unnecessary things) than it is taking in. Crime in our cities is increasing every year. Over 15% of our population is illiterate. Our cost of living is increasing with no end in sight. More of our adult population are unemployed than are actually employed. Our cost of medicine and medical attention is the highest (and not the best) in the world. Our citizens over 65 are considered to be dispensable. Our rights are being slowly (so we won't notice it) taken away. We are #5 on the list of corrupt governments in the world. I could go on and on with many other things...
The most recent statistics reveal that over the past two years, more people have applied for passports than ever before; more of the middle class have relocated out of the United States than ever before, and legal immigration has slowed to a new low. Obviously, many are seeing that the United States is in its decline and don't want to be there when the S--- hits the fan.
This present administration has led us to the edge of the abyss without any politically correct way to avert our falling in. In order to reverse our direction, radical steps must be taken.
(1) Get rid our Obama and his henchmen
(2) Throw out all of Congress and the Supreme Court and reelect new members that are not professional politicians.
(3) Eliminate unnecessary departments in the government.
(4) Cut back on the number of government employees at all levels. Does your town really need a dog catcher?
(5) Elect a "Hawk" for President.
(6) Cut all spending to foreign countries (military, humanitarian, infrastructure, etc.)
(7) Build up are military to the fighting force that it once was.
(8) Stay out of other peoples wars and problems.
(9) Rebuild our infrastructure.
(10) Give back the States Rights to the States.
(11) Revalue the dollar and go back on the gold standard.
(12) Institute the Fair Tax Plan and eliminate the IRS.
(13) Stop all student visas until our own children are the best educated in the world.
(14) Make all prisoners of violent crimes serve a life sentence at hard labor (bring back the chain gangs).
This is just to get started...
If you notice, countries such as China are building their military for the coming WWIII. They give no aide to other countries. They don't participate in wars around the world.
Another country that's doing the same thing is Brazil. Also, notice that both of these countries are having economic booms.
Are you getting the picture ? Yes, people are moving out of the United States because they see the end coming. An additional four years of Obama and Soros will be the final "death blow" to what once was the greatest country in the world. Do you have your passport ? Can you get your hands on your savings, 401K, other investments, etc. at a moments notice ? Are you armed ? If not, reconsider putting yourself in a better position very soon.


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