Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another exemption.....

When we first found out that Congress, the President, Vice President and the Cabinet were exempt from Obamacare, we were shocked. This is not their only exemptions. Obviously, there is no "equality under the law" for those that make the laws.
As an example, all members of Congress are exempt from prosecution for insider trading in the stock and commodity markets. Congressman Tim Walz of Minnesota has a list of over 72 members of congress that made millions of dollars using insider information from committees and lobbyists during the "bailout". He (Walz) has put through a resolution in the House of Representatives (HR 682) called the Stock Act to put an end to this. It is not only a conflict of interest but another prime example of how corrupt the people are that you've chosen to represent you.
Everyone knows that one doesn't run for Congress to be a "good guy" and represent their constituents, but rather to gain large amounts of wealth. There never has been a Congressman that retired less than a multi-millionaire. While millions are either unemployed or under employed, members of Congress are becoming wealthy at the expense of money invested in working peoples retirement plans like IRAs, 401K plans, etc.
Another example of how the public is being "fleeced" by our governing body. And you thought that this was a democracy only to find out that it's really a fascist regime. We've got to get back to honoring our Constitution and replace all elected officials from the President down to your local Dog Catcher immediately.


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