Thursday, June 23, 2011

It looks like a duck......

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck...
We all listened to Obama's "speech" last night that was supposed to be the announcement to the world of our strategy in Afghanistan. It was a campaign speech.
Since when does a President tell anyone what his plans are for the military, especially while they're engaged in a war ? Now, all the taliban has to do is sit back and wait for our troops to withdraw, meanwhile quietly rebuilding their strength and claiming a victory over the United States.
He (Obama) was very clever in his wording about our involvement in Libya. He said that there WASN'T a single American soldier "on the ground" in Libya. He neglected to say that there are over 1600 CIA and U.S. hired "private contractors" in Libya...he neglected to say how much the U.S. is supplying in sophisticated arms...he neglected to say how much it's costing us each day to operate drones and jet fighters in Libya.
Actually, his "military withdrawal speech" was mostly another campaign speech. Of the 13 minutes that he spoke, over 8 minutes was his "blowing his own horn" about how great he is and his "terrific" leadership.
This was a campaign speech on national television that didn't cost him a cent. Anyone else that's running for office would have had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to have a 13 minute election speech in primetime television on all the networks at the same time.
As a side note: If you replay all of his speeches, there is a common theme that they all posses; if it's something positive, he takes full credit for it rather than telling who really should have the credit for an example, he never gave Bush the credit for forming and having constantly trained personnel ready to go to get Bin Laden. Those soldiers have been in training for that mission before Obama even ran for office. Yes, it finally happened on his watch so I'll give him credit for that.
On the other hand, in his speeches, anything negative he won't accept responsibility for and blames everyone else. This is the typical way all street thugs (and community organizers) argue. Are you still "drinking the Coolaid" and believing that Obama is the "Messiah" ?
If you vote for him again, you deserve what he'll do to this country...and you won't like it.
On another side note: The black community is saying that he has let them down in that the largest percentage of unemployed in any group is amongst the black community. The percentage of blacks that are now unemployed is higher than during the 1929 depression.
Obama is a phony.......................We can stop him before he even has a chance to run for re-election by organizing a RECALL and have him kicked out of office now.


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