Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Illegal education

President Barack Obama said that he will work to change the politics of the immigration debate on children of illegal immigrants in 2011 by making his case to the American people to pass the DREAM Act.

The DREAM Act (acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) is an American legislative proposal introduced in the Senate on May 11, 2011.

This bill would have provided conditional permanent residency to certain illegal alien students who graduate from US high schools, who are of good moral character, arrived in the U.S. legally or illegally as minors, and have been in the country continuously for at least five years prior to the bill's enactment. If they were to complete two years in the military or two years at a four year institution of higher learning, the students would obtain temporary residency for a six year period. Within the six year period, a qualified student must have "acquired a degree from an institution of higher education in the United States or [have] completed at least 2 years, in good standing, in a program for a bachelor's degree or higher degree in the United States," or have "served in the armed services for at least 2 years and, if discharged, [have] received an honorable discharge. Military enlistment contracts require an eight year commitment, with active duty commitments typically between four and six years, but as low as two years "Any alien whose permanent resident status is terminated [according to the terms of the Act] shall return to the immigration status the alien had immediately prior to receiving conditional permanent resident status under this Act.". This bill would have included illegal aliens as old as 35 years of age.

More simply stated, if you're an illegal alien that's under 35 years old, you can go to school (from kindergarten through a PhD. (at the expense of the taxpayer)...and then be given citizenship. That citizenship extends to you and your family (mother, father, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.). So, now you can sneak into the U.S. ILLEGALLY, get a free education and then bring a load of others with you.

At present, even some colleges and universities around the country give preferential treatment to illegal students by offering scholarships or In State tuition. This keeps many Americans from these preferred costs or keeping them from going to college so an illegal can go in their place.

There is no problem giving citizenship to anyone that honorably serves in the military, protecting this country. However, two years of service should only be for those that see combat, all others should have to serve at least four years or more. To make matters worse, the bill would be retroactive, going back five years.

Bottom line, Obama needs more voters so he wants as many illegals given the right to vote for him... This guy will do anything (except make America better) to get re-elected. If I was an illegal alien, I'd not only vote for him but I would have my entire family vote for him (as many times as we could). We already know that ACORN "stuffed" the ballot boxes in the last election and now he wants more votes. Go to Mexico and see what free education you can get there, or if you can get citizenship, or if you can even vote.

As an illegal alien in Mexico, you go directly to prison and have no recourse to any human rights. In this country, we either coddle the illegals or (at our expense) deport them. All those bleeding heart do-gooders with their political correctness are helping to destroy our way of life and limiting your children's opportunities in favor of people that are breaking our unenforced laws. If the Dream Act gets passed, there will be a huge influx of illegal aliens (from all over the world) sneaking into the U.S. for free education and eventual citizenship for them and all their relatives. You'd better learn Spanish and Arabic because in less than one generation, you will be in the minority and lose more rights than you think you have.


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