Thursday, July 21, 2011

Debt Ceiling

What is the matter with our elected officials ?
There has not been any attention to a Balanced Budget for over 800 days so far.
All of the Democrats (Pelosi, Reid, etc.) all voted against raising the debt ceiling when it came up last time. This time, they want it raised. Talk about your "flip-flopping".
The Republicans want NO TAX INCREASE, a BALANCED BUDGET and SPENDING CUTS. What is wrong with that ? Social Security and Medicare don't need to be touched (other than curtailing fraud). There are tens of billions wasted on special interest programs and grants such as a Teacup Museum, Treadmill Research for Shrimp, etc. The reason that the 1600+ programs that benefit only a few are not being cut is that they would lose votes for those Representatives that originally got them.
Worst of all, Obama has no plans for solving the Debt Ceiling problem. He has already said on several occasions that he wants to raise taxes and raise spending. Actually, this is his way of penalizing the successful and shifting their money to the slackers while bringing down the economy of the United States. Just this morning, he was so pissed off at Texas Governor Perry for "bad-mouthing" him, that he ordered the EPA to shut down the three coal burning electric plants at a time when, due to the heat wave in Texas is causing more than normal electric usage (for air conditioning). He wants to punish all Texans for the words of their Governor.
The solution is easy...
(1) Freeze the debt ceiling
(2) Eliminate all ridiculous programs and grants
(3) Stop Foreign Aid to our enemies
(4) Recall Obama
Of course, you realize that all of those THREATS from Obama and his Democrat henchmen in the Senate are just that...threats to intimidate. The government has enough money to pay its obligations regardless of whether we have a debt ceiling or not. One big reason for our debt being so large is that we borrow money from China to give away to oil producing countries. Obama just gave $4 Billion to Brazil for them to continue their offshore drilling for oil while limiting offshore drilling in this country. Does that make any sense ? Obviously, Obama is dumber than he looks.
We have to get rid of this guy...........he's killin' our country.


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