Friday, July 08, 2011

Debt ceiling....

Both the Democrats and the Republicans have got this "Debt Ceiling" thing wrong.
Just leave it alone (or reduce it). Instead, cut out all of the unneeded personnel, programs and spending.
Most states and local governments in this country are doing just that...
As an example; there are over 450 employees in the White House that are paid a total of over $34 million/ yr.
Why has Obama increased the White House staff so much ? Was this his idea of "job creation" ?
We don't need to penalize the taxpayer by either raising taxes (Democrats) or cutting Medicare and Social Security (Republicans). We need to stop funding ridiculous grants for things like a Teapot Museum or Treadmills for Shrimp (I could list hundreds of these things that are being funded by the Obama administration).
What about all the private and personal spending of taxpayer money by the members of the House and the Senate ? This spending on things like new carpeting in a Senator's home, tuition for a Representative's daughter, etc. (i could list hundreds of these things that are being paid for with taxpayer money).
What about all the free money that we give (in the Billions each year) to our enemies and nations that don't need our money (as an example: China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc.)
When you tally up just the three money wastes I've listed above, it accounts for over $2 Trillion dollars (over 10 years). I use the "over 10 years" number because that's how Washington gets us to think it's all happening NOW.
Almost every member of Congress has increased their staff in the last two years (unnecessarily). Other than a Communist country, we (the U.S.) have the largest government (number of employees) in the world.
There are whole departments that are doing most of the same work as other departments, there are departments that could totally be eliminated. An example is the Department of Education, this is a states responsibility, not federal. What's the Department of Energy and the Department of Agriculture doing in their meddling in the Department of Interior's meddling with the Forestry Service about oil exploration ? See what I mean ?
We need less people in Washington, less rules and regulations, less departments, less grants, less foreign "aid" and less taxes.
While our benevolent Congress vote for cutting our incomes, they don't dare vote away any of their "perks" or income. They're even exempt from ObamaCare and insider trading.
I've been begging you to vote out EVERYBODY and start over with people that have this country's best interests at heart instead of worrying about being re-elected.


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