Thursday, August 04, 2011

No time lost...

The ink wasn't even dry on the bill extending the debt ceiling when Congress has already just spent over $40 Billion of the new amount that they can borrow. Where were all those politicians that were trying to "cut spending" ?
However, the biggest slap in our faces cam from Obama himself. As soon as the bill became law, Obama left Washington to fly out and get back on the campaign trail. Why isn't he doing his job. He was elected (hired by the people) to be in Washington and run this country. His campaign is costing the taxpayers a huge amount of money. He flies for free, gets accommodations (hotels, meals, transportation, etc.) for free, has a bunch of unpaid volunteers at his beck and call, all on the taxpayer's dime.
If you or I spent most of our time promoting ourselves at our company's expense and not being at work, we would be fired very quickly. I suggest that we fire this malingerer. Other than becoming a multi-millionaire, why would anyone want to be President of the United States. Answer: Ego and power.
It obviously doesn't require intelligence (Ex: Jimmy Carter had the highest IQ of any president and was a nuclear physicist, yet look at what a poor President he was). It doesn't require any experience (Ex: Truman was a high school teacher before becoming President).
To run a country as large as ours has got to be the worst 24/7 job in the world. It only pays $400,000/ year, which is less than a lot of CEOs and company Presidents make (and they're actually working at their jobs).
Well, you wanted a community organizer to run your country...and now look at the condition he has put us in. Just by the fact that he was a left wing socialist, an anti-American sympathizer and a street thug, was not any reason to elect him. Now he's campaigning to have another four years to complete his destruction of the American way of life.
Do you want more of his thuggery and destruction of the middle class ? If you don't vote or vote for him, then you are part of the problem. Don't come bitching to me when your income drops, your costs go up and your children are unemployed, all while you're paying for the care and comfort of those that have no intention of ever being productive.
Wake up and see his failures...wake up and see his underhanded methods...wake up and get rid of him. You can't afford four more years of this.


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