Monday, August 01, 2011

...and the Winner is...

After all the smoke settles, it looks like we've been "snookered" again.
The debt ceiling crisis has been settled in favor of Obama, not the people of the United States.
Now, Obama can campaign without interruption...he can claim that he forced Congress to settle this problem.
Actually, it increases our debt by $2.4 Trillion with no cuts in spending until after the election (which won't happen anyway).
Can you believe how the real issue wasn't about raising the debt ceiling. We all knew that it was going to happen. The real issue was about raising taxes and cutting spending. Well, it's spending as usual in Washington and the tax raises won't happen until after the next election (where taxes will then explode upward as well as huge cuts in the military, Social Security and Medicare).
Bottom line.........Obama wins, you LOSE !
Now can't you see how manipulative Obama is ? He is sneakily destroying our country with more spending (debt), huge taxes (coming soon) and a weak military. He is doing everything that he can to keep the economy and jobs at a minimum and has hurt all Americans (from the rich to the poor) during his time as President.
Do you want more of this ? We have a chance to get rid of him in the next election, but it will take all of us to do it. If you do nothing, if you don't vote, if you don't tell your friends and neighbors how bad he is; then you are condoning the fall of the United States.


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