Sunday, July 31, 2011

What Debt Ceiling ?

I don't understand this business about a Debt Ceiling. Every time (dozens of times) that we get close to it, Washington has raised it. This is like every time you extend your credit card to its limit, you just get the credit card company to increase your spending limit without trying to pay it down by curtailing your spending.
Congress is fighting over things that aren't really a way to solve this controversy. One side wants tax increases, the other side wants a balanced budget, one side wants spending cuts while the other side wants spending increases...who are they kidding ? The obvious solution is :
(1) A final and firm debt ceiling that is NEVER to be exceeded.
(2) Reform our tax system to use the Fair Tax Plan which will eliminate the IRS and bring in more revenue to the government without raising taxes.
(3) Clamp down on fraud in government programs and entitlements, thus saving another $100-$150 Billion each year.
(4) Cut out "pork barrel" spending which amounts to over $800 Billion each year.
(5) Stop sending aid to countries where their governments and armies grab up to 97% of what we send as aid (Ex: China that is our biggest creditor, where we finance part of their army).
(6) Stop rebuilding countries that are war-torn. The people of Afghanistan and Iran are laughing at us as we build schools, mosques, roads, homes, etc. for them that they would not build for themselves.
(7) Stop spending Billions to prop up industries in other countries (Ex: $4 Billion to Brazil for their oil exploration).
(8) Ad a Balanced Budget Amendment (50 states already have one).
(9) And, of course, get rid of Obama and the Congress that we now have.
There is no need to cut spending for the Pentagon, Social Security or Medicare...just clamp down on the fraud and unnecessary spending in these departments. A restructuring of these departments for the future is definitely in order.
We've all been "had" by this stupid diversion about a Debt Ceiling to not notice the slick maneuvers by Obama to not have any blame for the outcome so he can be re-elected to cause more chaos, contrived crisis and bring down America even more than he already has. The debt ceiling could have easily been raised, but Obama needed a "good crisis" to help in his plan to destroy us. You only have to look around to see that most of us that are no better off or worse off than we were just two years ago is because of this administration and the politicians in Congress. Our only survival as a nation is to get rid of them all.


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