Friday, August 26, 2011

Good progress

The Obama administration is finally making progress in Obama's promise to lift some of the 17,000 new regulations put into effect since he became President. Most of these regulations are so restricting that they have either caused many small business to shut down or caused large businesses to increase their prices to us.
Finally, Obama has lifted one, yes...just one of the 17,000+ regulations stifling business and economic growth.
That regulation is that a Milk Spill be treated the same as an Oil spill. Now I can understand that if a tanker truck turns over on a freeway, of course it will be attended to as any large spill would. However, this regulation forces the dairy farmer (regardless how small) to adhere to ridiculous precautions for just a few drops of milk on the ground.
The farmer has to immediately evacuate the area, put up barricades, call the EPA, inform HAZMAT, bring in governmental people to clean it up, etc.
Kudos to Obama for lifting this restriction. Now what about the rest ???
Pizza shops are closing that can't afford to install the new equipment that the new regulations are forcing them to do. All kinds of businesses are closing down because of this administration's goal of controlling everything in our lives (remember ObamaCare ?).
I could list hundreds of these new regulations that are so stupid that all they do is put an additional burden on our fragile economy and benefit no one except give the government more control over one's business.
By getting rid of most of these new restrictive regulations, the economy could start growing again and people could get back to work.
C'mon the right thing for a change.


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