Monday, August 08, 2011

Who, What & Why ???

This was an interesting weekend. For the first time in our history, the credit of the United States came under scrutiny. Standard and Poors (S&P), the agency that rates the ability of nations to pay their debts, lowered the rating of the United States from AAA to AA+.
What this means is that it will cost more for the U.S. to borrow money. This is just like your credit score dropping and your interest rate therefore goes up.
Obama is blaming S&P for not understanding how Washington works. Actually, it's Obama that doesn't understand the condition that the U.S. is in. The Democrats are blaming the Republicans, the Republicans are blaming the Democrats and everyone is blaming the Tea Party.
Actually, the Tea Party, being called "unreasonable" wanted a cap on spending, a balanced budget and a greater reduction in the debt.
S&P based their downgrade on the fact that they expected a $5 trillion drop in the deficit, but it was only $2 trillion. They also expected a cap on borrowing and there is none.
What this means for all of us is HIGHER TAXES, HIGHER INTEREST RATES, HIGHER PRICES and less employment. Your Congress screwed you again.
S&P said that in order to just keep the downgrade rating (without a further downgrade in the future), the GNP (gross national product) would have to climb by over 3% annually. However, with all of the restrictions that this administration has put on business, we're lucky if we can grow beyond 1%.
At present, of the entire working population (able bodied people, 18 - 65), only 54% are either working for someone or self employed. This is the lowest percentage since the 1930s.
There is a solution; but it means that Washington has to give up power to the people. If restrictions are lifted, taxes are not increased and interest rates are held firm, this country could turn itself around in a year or less.
Of course, Washington will continue to borrow, spend and restrict the growth of this country because we have a spoiled Congress and an inept President. Actually, a lot of this is your fault. You voted for these people and when they didn't represent your wishes, you did nothing about it. I remember when a million man march was organized. Now is the time for a 10 million taxpayer march on Washington to be organized.
You are watching the deterioration of the United States that will trigger a great civil war. If you think that I might be exaggerating the problem, then just sit by and watch your freedoms go away, your income decrease, your costs go up and your neighbors and community fall into poverty. Even then, most of you will do nothing.
The rest of the world is laughing at us and watching the most powerful nation in the world self destructing from within. All of our enemies realize that they don't need to attack us. They can just sit back and let Obama and Congress devour us from within. Yes, you can do something about this before it's too late...but you won't !
Soon, you will remember that I warned you as you see the fall of the U.S. and you'll think back to a time when you could have done something. Then it will be too late. Act now or suffer the consequences.


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