Friday, August 05, 2011

...and he fiddled while Rome burned.

Yesterday, the public lost $1.9 trillion in their IRAs, 401Ks and other investments.
That evening, at taxpayer expense, Obama celebrated a LAVISH 50th birthday party at the White House.
How about you folks footing the bill on my next birthday party ??? One thing is for sure, it won't cost near as much as Obama's did.
In light of that, today, Congress added $239 billion to our debt. This is new spending and has nothing to do with our present obligations.
Are you getting the picture yet ? All of our "leaders" have got to go. They really don't give a damn about us or our country. The only thing that they're really representing is their egos and re-election (at your expense).
While they rejoice over 117,000 jobs being added (they weren't really added, they were there all of the time, just not filled yet), it gave them the right to spin a great untruth.....that the unemployment rate dropped from 9.2 to 9.1. Big deal....if I'm drowning in 9.2 feet of water, will the water level dropping to 9.1 feet save my life ?
What does it take for you to see that these people do not have your interests at heart ? Why are you so apathetic and doing nothing to stop this ? Are you doing that well that you too don't give a damn ?
Get rid of both parties...get rid of all career politicians...get rid of some of the restrictive laws and regulations that are stifling businesses and growth...get rid of all the redundant agencies created by this administration.
Congress is supposed to make laws and approve a budget to run the country. They have no right to fund special interests projects, give cash grants, spend elaborate sums on their personal pet projects, etc.
Let's get back to the Constitution instead of letting these schemers violate it.


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