Friday, September 25, 2009

When the cat's away...

Well, finally, Congress has done something right.
We all know that the Congress is living in fear. The fear is that there will be grave consequences if they go against Obama's wishes, and on the other hand if they support his insane policies, they won't be re-elected.
As we know, Obama has put a freeze on any COLA increases for Social Security recipients for the next two years; as well as an increase in their Medicare cost.
Well, while Obama is running around, bad mouthing our country and playing "King of the World", our Congress has voted to have NO increase in Medicare cost. If Obama was doing his job as being President instead of being an ego maniacle ruler of the world, he might have seen Congress slip this one by him.
Of course, don't get me wrong. This one act of Congress "for the people" doesn't negate my efforts to have them all replaced in upcoming elections. We have an amendment ( XXII) in our Constitution limiting the President to two terms. Why can't that be the same for the Vice President and all of Congress ?
Anyway, Congress; keep doing your job "FOR THE PEOPLE".

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I don't get it.

What am I missing here ? Has Obama fooled me or is he smarter than he seems ?
During his campaign for office, he kept telling us about UNITY and how he was going to bring everyone together.
Since then, he has caused the largest separation (in my lifetime) of the Congress, between the economic classes, the races and even men vs. women.
Is this some kind of "strategy" on his part; or is he really the stupidest President we've ever had ?
Now, he goes before the United Nations with this same "Unity" verbage. Is he trying to alienate the world into becoming more divided than they already are ?
On one hand he speaks of "support"; and on the other hand, he speaks of "every man for himself".
Is it any wonder that even those that voted for him are starting to distrust everything that he says ?
On another note: Who is "watching the store"? Obama certainly isn't acting like my President should (by being in his office, running this country). He's running all over the place "making speeches" (most of which are con jobs or lies). I didn't know that we elect P.R. people or "spokespersons". If we do now, let's get rid of Obama and get a good comedian or a bright person to "wow" us with his knowledge.
You can't turn on a TV without seeing (or hearing) an Obama speech. I know that I'm tired of it...aren't you yet ???

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The United Nations speech...

President Obama made a speech today to the world, at the meeting of the United Nations.
First of all, the United States "foots" 80% of the bill for this organization that is comprised mostly of countries that are either our outright enemy or those that just don't like us. I've been screaming for us to not only get out of the U.N., but to convert that building they use on Manhattan Island into low cost housing for added income to New York City.
As I listened to Obama's speech, I felt so betrayed by my President that I could have cried.
He started off by (again) apologizing to the world for how terrible the United States has been. He then went on to say that we (the United States) would no longer seek to be a world power (economically, militarily, culturally, etc.). This "blew me away". I have always thought that the United States of America was the greatest country in the world (even during the worst of times).
Now, my President tells me and the rest of the world that "it's over".
Being the communist that he is, Obama told the U.N. that we should all be equals with no country better off than another in any way.
Until today, I thought that America's great threats were terrorism from Al Quada, atomic attack from No. Korea, mass assassinations from drug cartels and of course the ignorance of the American public. As of today, I realize that Obama, Pelosi. Reid, Frank, etc. are the GREATEST threat to our nation, our future and our way of life.
Obama spoke to the U.N. as though he was "King of the World" and was telling them how to operate. He totally "threw Israel under the bus" in this speech. This ego-maniac (Obama) is not only destroying our country from within, he is now going outside to have the rest of the world help him.
When are you all going to WAKE UP and see what's really going on ??? As long as we let him remain in office (with the administration that he has), not only will you lose your dreams and desires but your children and their children have a very bleak future with no opportunities available.
As I write this, members of our Democratic Congress are quietly discussing Obama's next attack on the insurance industry and then to "nationalize" those enormous pension funds. If he takes control of our pensions, you will still get paid; but only on a "as needed" stipend.
STOP OBAMA before it's too late (if it isn't already). He must be RECALLED from office, NOW !

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 ???

There's a lot of talk about investigating ACORN for some of its illegal practices.
There are over 1200 chapters in 110 cities throughout the United States that receive federal money. $8.5 Billion of the "stimulus package" has been set aside for ACORN.
Although Obama keeps saying that he has had nothing to do with ACORN, it is public record that he represented them in a lawsuit as far back as 1995.
In addition, Acorn created and oversaw tens of thousands of false registrations and votes for the Obama election. In over a dozen cities, ACORN members have been indicted for tampering with the election.
To make matters worse, ACORN owes over $11 million in back taxes and the IRS has been told to ignore it.
Of the 33 (so far) Czars appointed (not elected) by Obama, 24 of them are "payback" for helping Obama win the Presidency.
The biggest joke of all is that ACORN has decided to appoint its own investigator (Democrat and former AG for the state of Mass.) before Congress can take any action against them. It sounds great that they can pick who will investigate them, rather than an independent investigator that has no vested interest in ACORN.
After 9/11, we stopped hearing about the "Nation of Islam" as they all faded into ACORN. ACORN is considered by some to be Obama's private army so do you really think that he'll let anything negative happen to them (since he owes part of his election to them)?
This is just another (of many, many) example of the underhandedness and corruption in this administration.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thoughts about MONEY

Money is an interesting topic since most people haven't a clue about what it really is.
We are told that it's a "medium of exchange"; or that "money is the root of all evil".
Actually, you can use ANYTHING as a medium of exchange, and LACK OF MONEY is the root of evil.
The real definition of money is that it's POWER. The more one has, the more powerful they can be. Money can only be used the same way that power can be used. You have to give some of it to someone else to get what you want. The purchasing power of money has no bounds; you can even buy things like health or love with enough money.
It seems as though things keep getting more expensive over time. The truth is that everything costs the same as it always did except for the price of money. As an example; if you took one ounce of gold into the marketplace the day Christ was born and bought as many loaves of bread with it as you could, you'd have X amount of loaves. If you went to the market today and bought as many loaves of bread as one ounce of gold (at today's prices) would by, you'd have about the same number as you had over two thousand years ago.
A lot of people believe that they can become rich by just saving their money. Money has to be active and working or it will deteriorate over time. As an example; if we put money into a savings account and just let it lay there collecting interest, we actually are losing money. Everyone tells us about compounding interest...this is how it really works. The interest that you're paid is always less than the rate of inflation and you are also taxed on the interest paid. So, after your money has layed in the bank collecting interest for a hundred years, its amount may seem greater but its purchasing power is about one third of what it originally was.
I tried an experiment many years ago and tried living without using or having any money. Once I got used to it, I always had food, shelter, clothing, transportation, entertainment, etc. without the usage of money. Money is just a way for the simple man to keep score in this game of life.
There are things that are far more valuable than money...get to know them and have a fuller life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The future...

Over the past few years, I've noticed that every time the stock markets around the world take any movement downward, the stocks of the major companies are bought by muslim stockholders.
These stocks are never to be resold, and very quietly, the islamic world is buying up control of every major corporation in the world. (Saudi Arabians already own more than one third of Exxon, 60% of AT&T, 40% of American Airlines, etc.)
Eventually (in your lifetime), muslims will own most of the world. At that time, they will rapidly shut down all manufacturing, distribution, arts and any growth or progress on the planet.
Originally, China was trying to do this but just bought up our debt by collecting as many Treasury Notes as it could. The muslims aren't interested in wealth (they already have huge rooms filled with over half of the world's currency already); they want to have the entire planet fall under sharia.
As history has shown us, under islam, all progress and growth ceases. Well, unless islam is completely eradicated , you have NO future that is meaningful.

Real confusion...

This Congress as well as the Presiding President are really confused or totally inept as far as all of this discussion goes, concerning "health care".
All they have to do is take a page from Texas's "play book". What they did in Texas was institute Tort Reform and not only has health care costs plummet in that state but every child is automatically insured regardless of their economic circumstances.
I don't even know why anyone would need yo buy medical insurance when anyone can go to any hospital, receive treatment and declare their inability to pay (true or not) and leave without any charge.
Medical insurance should only cover catastrophic events so that any major surgery or treatment does not make the recipient destitute. Why should it cover breast implants, abortions, face lifts, hang nail removal, facials, tattoo removal, etc. ?
Obviously, the REAL reason that Obama is trying to shove this Health Care Bill down our throats is for gov't. control of our lives. Ask yourself, why is he rushing a bill that won't go into effect for four more years ? Could it be so the next President has to deal with its failure ? Or could it be that after it becomes law, Obama, by issuing Presidential Executive Orders, can bypass Congress and add or modify this bill to his liking without any public scrutiny ?
U.S. Presidents have issued executive orders since 1789. Although there is no Constitutional provision or statute that explicitly permits executive orders, there is a vague grant of "executive power" given in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, and the statement "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" in Article II, Section 3. Most executive orders are orders issued by the President to US executive officers to help direct their operation[citation needed], the consequence of failing to comply being removal from office.
It's not health care that needs reform, it's tort reform and caps on rewards that are needed.
Don't fall for the SCAM that Obama is trying to pull on will take years to undo the damage he is already causing. This bill will open the door to totally getting rid of democracy and creating a socialist dictatorship (Communism) as in community organization.
Don't you get it yet ? Obama is a communist and doesn't even know it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who is running my country ???

When Obama was elected as President of the United States of America, I thought that he was going to be in charge of running this country. How long after inauguration does a President begin to do what he's paid to do ?
All that I see Obama doing is going to foreign countries to make speeches, apologizing for America or running around this country making more speeches to push one agenda or another. As an example, just today he was making a speech to Olympians and the Olympic Committee to have the next Olympics in (of course) Chicago. What does that have to do with being the President ?
All that I've seen since Obama has been in office is that:
(1) our economy has fallen farther (in spite of the bulls__t coming out of Washington that the recession is over.
(2) our country has become the most divided it has ever been over health care, security, racial issues, freedoms, etc.
(3) our country rapidly moving away from the last bits of democracy that it still has.
(4) there is a great shift in wealth from the producers to the non-producers.
(5) our country is farther in debt in the last eight months that in all of the previous 50 years.
(6) Obama is only interested in having "rock star" status and making speeches.
When is Obama going to step up to the task of being President ? I don't think he ever will because he's only a "community organizer" that has no qualifications to be in any level of government.
Sign all petitions requesting a RECALL of Obama and a new election for President.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama's Army

ACORN, which has received over $8.5 billion of the "stimulus" cash represents itself as "non-partisan". Actually, it is made up of members of the Nation of Islam and other thugs, drug dealers, prostitutes and other criminals that are minorities.
Indictments and prosecutions are occurring all over the country for the tens of thousands of false voter registrations and votes perpetuated by ACORN in the last Presidential election. In reality, if we were to eliminate the false votes, Obama would not have won the Presidency.
ACORN is established in every major city (population over 500,000) in the country and is not only supportive of Obama but supports breaking the law for minorities.
As an example, Fox News just aired a video of a man and a woman posing as a prostitute and her pimp getting advice in an ACORN office in Washington, D.C. on how to get housing through ACORN in order to import young girls from Central America to be used for prostitution.
To see this video, go to Glenn Beck's home page and scroll down to the link about ACORN.
Why isn't ACORN being investigated as well as Obama's affiliation with them ? How is your $8.5 billion being spent by them and how did they qualify for it in the first place ? Obviously, it was a "payoff" for helping Obama get elected.
Don't you wonder why no other network (ABC, NBC or CBS) has aired this video ? They never air anything that might be anti-Obama, only tout his agenda. Fortunately, we have the Internet that in some cases, gives us the truth about what a scam this President and his appointees are pulling on us.
Kudos to Fox news for having the guts to air this exposure.
Within a block of almost every ACORN office, you can find the "local drug dealer". In many of their offices, we find prostitutes working and one office was closed down for being a "fence" for stolen goods.
When we look up ACORN on the Internet, we find "glowing" articles about them. That's because they wrote all of that mis-information. The truth is that ACORN is primarily a criminal organization funded with your tax dollars. Thank you again, Obama......

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Now that the country has been conned into this "health care" nonsense, we get to lose our insight as to what is really going on.
While Democrats and Republicans fight over bill # HR3200 (the health care bill), no individual has read through all the thousand plus pages and is dealing with some of the details in the bill that invade our privacy, control our savings, take away some of our freedoms, etc.
Let's face it. We already have a health care (or should I say SICK CARE plan) plan in effect. It's called Medicare. We are told that Medicare is going broke. Well, of course it's going broke. This is because;
(1) It was originally intended for those over 65, but now includes almost everyone (including the fraudulent and even some illegal aliens).
(2) If it was left alone, as a separate fund, it would still be very well funded. But NO, the gov't. has tapped the money that goes into Medicare (out of our paychecks) for other projects.
(3) There is very little control over the massive fraud that takes place in the Medicare program.

The uninsured and poor have a state program called Medicaid...which is also poorly run and froth with fraud.

The gov't. continually is changing the rules. Look at what they've done with our Social Security system. Originally (under F.D. Roosevelt) it was never to exceed 1% of a persons paycheck and was to be held in a separate fund, drawing 3 3/4% interest. When Congress saw how large this fund had grown, they moved it into the General Fund and used most of the money for other projects as well as increasing the deduction from your paycheck over the years until it is now over 6%. Did you know that NASA has always been paid for from Social Security money ?
If Congress had just left it alone as it was first set up, those that have contributed and are over 65 would be collecting almost four times what they are getting now. In addition, the fund would be so large that it could almost pay off the national debt.
Again, the gov't. has decided to screw with it by changing the rules again. A COLA (cost of living allowance) is built in to the payment that one gets. Obama has just suspended that for the next two years. You know that it will never come back now.

What moron wants the gov't. to run any plan for them ? Can you imagine how a gov't health care plan will ruin us ? The gov't. shows us that every other country in the industrialized world has a health care plan. What is not being told is that in every one of these countries, those plans are breaking the budgets and may soon be abandoned.

Obama is a neighborhood organizer and is trying to run this country as though it's his little local Chicago neighborhood. From the President, his appointees, the Cabinet, Congress and on down; the majority of these elected and appointed officials know little to nothing about running a country. The obvious proof of this is in how many and how large our (all solveable) problems are.

As a side note: Many M.D.s will retire or change professions if we get any sort of gov't. run health care program. Why would anyone want to spend all of those extra years of education to become an M.D. when the gov't. can cut their pay in half ???

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kudos for TRUTH...

I don't know how many of you listened to Obama's speech last night, but I certainly did. Nobody listened when Hitler spoke; but I will always listen to someone that is telling me how he plans to destroy my life and country.
If you've read through the "health care plan" that Obama is proposing, you'll find that in his speech, he flat out lied about several things in addition to never mentioning the penalties and exactly how it would be paid for.
Fortunately, one member of Congress had the balls to call him on one of his lies, publicly. When the illegal alien issue was brought up, South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson yelled out, "You lie !" in an emotional outburst. For this, he has been berated by many. Actually, if you've ever seen a session of Congress, you know how disrespectfully our representatives talk to each other, yelling and calling names... Wilson did nothing wrong because the President was not telling the truth.
The truth of this matter is that specific language to eliminate illegal aliens from health care was put into the original document and per Obama's insistence, it was removed. This gave Obama the right to say that "illegals are not included in the plan". Talk about a slick lawyer trick.
I have no idea why this Congressional session was called other than for Obama to make another of his 142 (at present count) speeches about health care reform.
Actually, it is really is sick care reform that we're talking about.
He lied when he said it would not cost the taxpayers one cent.
He lied when he said that it was to the benefit of insurance companies.
Obviously, Obama either hasn't read the entire bill or he thinks that we're stupid.
We have health care for everyone (including illegal aliens) in this's the costs that are outrageous (for those that have to pay). Costs would come down considerably if:
(1) We had Tort reform.
(2) Fraud was prosecuted.
(3) Waste was curtailed.
(4) If the gov't. got out of the way.
Again, I personally Thank You, Joe Wilson for expressing my sentiment at the exact moment that I thought it. This man is a true patriot and gets my vote.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Employment truths...

As this "recession" that we're in goes on, there is a major change taking place in the labor market.
(1) Most companies are becoming aware that they can have just as much productivity with less workers and shorter hours. This means that they can cut back on full time workers and their benefits as well as cut back on management positions.
(2) Education isn't the only prerequisite for employment. One needs the experience and skills required, also. Why would an employer hire a person fresh out of school when he can hire an experienced veteran of his industry (for less) ?
(3)The "stimulus package" has money in it for "re-education" but it not only hasn't been released, but it is restrictive as to how much training one can get and in what areas. Again, thank you bama.
(4) The majority of white collar workers will become re-employed as blue collar workers; thus getting us closer to becoming a third world economy.
(5)College graduates stand very little chance of becoming gainfully employed and High School graduates can forget about even getting a job slinging hamburgers. Men with Master's degrees are delivering pizzas.

On the bright side; skilled and experienced laborers are becoming in great demand. Of course this only includes the absolute most skilled with the most amount of experience. An employer doesn't need to hire a newbie or trainee when he can get a professional for the same wages.
In the meantime, our government is pissing away our futures, our children's futures and our opportunities while they earn more taxpaid salaries, become richer with their "side deals" and no longer represent those that elected them while they ignore our Constitution. If the gov't. didn't meddle with our economy, we'd be climbing out of this downward spiral with every business being stronger than before. Of course, several large companies would fail...only because they were supposed to. Without the gov't. in our way, efficiently run companies could prosper.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Stimulus package is working.

Vice President Biden said that the "stimulus package" is working better than he expected.
What I want to know is; what did he exactly expect ?
So far, only 374 new jobs have been created. These are 34 new Czars (at $170,000/ year, each) with 10 aides each. All of these are appointments by President Obama, without any Congressional approval and are mostly his "buddies" from ACORN (his private army).
Meanwhile, the number of unemployed keeps growing. Washington tells us that the number of unemployed is declining. That's true depending on how you look at these numbers.
If you have 10,000 people claiming unemployment benefits this month and only 9,000 are added next month, then Washington says the number is declining. The truth is that you now have 19,000...the actual number has gone up.
No one that has become unemployed during the "stimulus package era" has become re-employed, and those whose unemployment has run out or are not eligible for unemployment benefits are not counted in these unemployment figures.
A more accurate count by independent groups, places our unemployed at nearly 20%; which is more than double the numbers that the White House is telling us.
Is Biden a fool or just plain stupid ?
At what point do you stop listening to these lies that we're being told and you do something about it ???

Thursday, September 03, 2009

New heights...

Obama has taken his egomania to new heights today when he announced that he would be addressing our school children on the web and broadcasting to classrooms across the country next Tuesday. He will be asking our kids to pledge allegiance to him under the guise of asking them to do better in school.
This is disguised as a "pep rally" for the kids, exactly the same as was done by Hitler in organizing the Nazi youth in 1939.
Does he really think that children under 10 years old really know (or care) who he is ?
Why isn't he broadcasting this speech on TV so the parents of these children know what is being said?
Last week, in schools around the country, children were asked to write letters to Obama saying what they will do to support him.
Fortunately, parents across the nation are either insisting that his speech to the kids not be shown or they are keeping their children out of school next Tuesday.
As written at this time, Obama's speech is pure propaganda in organizing our youth to bother their parents with his agendas.
No President in the past has ever had this audacity to circumvent parents, teachers and the church in asking children to pledge their allegiance to him.
Videos are already being shown to our kids that show celebrities pledging their allegiance to Obama. He's trying to "brainwash" this next generation.
Every President has had agendas and programs that we've disagreed with; but none have tried to use our youth against us. Obama is not only the most dangerous President we've ever had but he is determined to destroy our democracy, "full speed ahead".
Call your PTA and school Principles and demand that the broadcast next Tuesday not be shown in your school(s). It's your job to talk to your kids about anything; not Obama's.
Does he think that he's God or something ? What is the matter with this man ? When are we going to have him removed from office ???