Sunday, March 29, 2009


HOW DARE HE ??? How dare Obama use "Chicago style politics" in Washington !
Blackmailing General Motors Corp. for the CEO to resign immediately in order to get the government to keep them afloat for two more months is unconscionable.
This thug (Obama) will continue to use blackmail, extortion and economics threats to dictate who, how and what a company may continue to do business.
First he told the banks how to do business, then he told AIG how much to pay it's leaders, now he threatens GM that if the CEO doesn't resign, there will be no more money for them.
Is this how the thug from Chicago is going to take over America; company by company, using taxpayer dollars ?
When will you be out of work because of this tyrant ? When will he dictate how your company will function ? When will America wake up ?
How far are you willing to let this thug ruin everything that America has built ? Since it has become obvious that his "porkulous package" is not going produce any stimulus to the economy, he now must resort to extortion and blackmail. What's his next step; having FBI agents beat us up if we don't give into his ill thought out schemes ?
Since his inauguration, his popularity has fallen from 88% to 56% as more of us are catching on to the fact that Obama does not have this country's interests at heart. He is only interested in promoting the agenda of his handlers (those four obscene democrats).
How dare he be allowed to continue operating this way ? How dare you let him ?
What does he have to do before you realize that he's thrown away our Constitution and your freedoms and rights ? Do you need troops on your street telling you where you must be and when ? Do you need to see his picture on your money ? Do you need for him to set prices and values on your possessions and necessities ? What do you need in order to wake up and do something ?
The less you do, the worse it will get...and if you wait long enough, there will be no turning back as the United States of America, it's Constitution and all that made this country great becomes just a paragraph in some obscure history book.
Under this present administration we are doomed.


Even though President Obama's popularity is starting to decline (because more people are becoming aware that he's going about "saving us" in the wrong way), there are those that will forgive him regardless of how badly he performs. This is the same as loving your child and when they screw up, they are opposed to the kid next door that no matter what he does, he gets your scorn (such as Bush).
Obama promised us HOPE. What exactly is hope ?
It has often been said, "If you Hope in one hand and crap in the other; which fills up first ?".
For a lot of you, hope fills a gap of neediness but accomplishes nothing.
I hope that I could win the lottery...does that have anything to do with my actually winning the lottery? Of course not. The only way that I can win the lottery is by buying a ticket and letting random chance make me the winner.
Hope is non-experiential. Nothing happens. There is no experience involved. Hope is just an excuse for doing nothing.
Try this experiment: With every fiber of your being, hope for a million dollars to appear before you. Hope for it over and over, day after day. Keep doing that until the million dollars appears. It doesn't work! You know it won't make anything happen; so why do you keep hoping for things to happen ? Are you stupid or just mesmerized by Obama ? No rational person would continue to hope and hope, expecting their wishes to happen.
Obama has convinced the "have nots" that all they have to do is sit around and that he'll make everything alright for them. Apparently, none of us have to participate in solving any of this country's problems. We just have to HOPE and Obama will take care of the rest. Who does he think he is, God ??? We are now in a major crisis with our economy and there are several ways to turn it around.In Chinese, the word for crisis is composed of two words, Danger and Opportunity. Left to Obama, we face great danger; if we take advantage of the opportunities that are now made available because of this crisis, we can prosper.Obama (and the Democrat Congress) see their opportunity to turn this nation in a socialistic country where the government can control our lives, our incomes, our businesses and even our freedom.Pay no attention to what Obama is "promising" you, he can't deliver it. Start to prepare for your own survival and stop hoping.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A good alternative.

I just finished listening to President Obama's speech and the Q&A from the press. One thing that stood out was that he never answers a question directly and leaves one wondering what they asked. The next most obvious thing is that he is absolutely "clueless" in how to run a country and an economy this size. Third, but not least is that he isn't that great an orator, with his "umm" and "ah" throughout his diatribe.
If he is always quoting past Presidents such as Roosevelt and Lincoln, why doesn't he take a look at how they brought this country out of recessions. In each case, they built a "war machine" that was second to none and everyone not only went to work, but we were the strongest nation in the world both economically but militarily.
The alternative to all this "scurrying about" that the President and Congress are doing to "solve" the problems (as they see them) is to take that $7 trillion dollar budget and spend it on the military. This puts everyone back to work, gives us the ability to defend this country easily, bring GNP into astronomical heights and strengthens the dollar. By not meddling with the banks or AIG, those institutions will fold, bringing down other institutions and the system will restructure ITSELF and emerge stronger. Of course, the automotive industry will prosper building tanks, trucks, etc., while the aircraft industry will become larger than ever, shipbuilding will reach new heights and the computer and chip industry will be motivated to increase their growth. All of America will be back to work...
Only a few nations are even thinking about helping resolve the world's economic problems while everyone else is sitting back laughing at us as we spend ourselves into oblivion.
Screw the rest of the world...they survived before there ever was a United States of America and will survive without our intervention. Why is Washington so damn concerned with anything that isn't American ? It certainly not in our best interest. Putting America first, foremost and even only should be our government's only concern.
It's no wonder that this administration will fail. Under the leadership of an unqualified thug that thinks he's still a "community organizer" in just a larger neighborhood, trying to solve a myriad of problems all at the same time is guaranteed failure.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Health Care

Health care has become a major issue in this country. Obama and Congress are throwing around all kinds of plans for "National Health Care" which is "demotalk" for government run health care.
Under the present plans (Medicare and Medicaid), these systems are going broke.
One reason is the fraud being perpetuated in these systems. It has been said that as much as one third of the people collecting Social Security Disability payments are either not really qualified, illegal aliens (and their children) or totally fraudulent.
I know, it's inhumane to deny medical attention to any human being; but let's get real...between the illegal aliens and the freeloaders, medical clinics and hospital emergency rooms are going broke and closing down so that those of us that are being responsible have to pay for them in addition to paying our way also.
Medicaid is being depleted by both illegal aliens as well as people with minor complaints such as hangnails, minor scratches, etc. running to their clinics for anything regardless of its severity.
Medicare is being abused by the elderly that continually go to their doctor for no other reason than they're lonely and want someone to talk to. They just make up symptoms.
So, to start, all of the waste, fraud and unqualified must be eliminated.
Next, every person must belong to a private insurance plan (mandatory) not to exceed 10% (per family member) of their gross income. You want more kids, then pay for them. This way, all of those people that are earning a wage will not be able to "skate by" by using free clinics instead of paying for their insurance. We all know people making over $100,000 a year that have no insurance...they'd rather buy an expensive car or a swimming pool than buy health insurance. Why should they buy health insurance when they can go to a free clinic or just lie about their income to get free medical care.
All HMOs and PPOs should be closed down and doctors should have the freedom to either have their own practices or form clinics with other doctors as corporations.
Of course, there is a segment of the population that either has no income or are children. These people should still be covered by Medicaid.
The government should allow a credit on your income taxes for the cost of this private insurance.
Anyone caught defrauding the system should (1) be denied any governmental help, (2) given a mandatory prison sentence of two years, and (3) a fine of up to $10,000 for each offense.
The benefit of this plan is:
(1) The medical profession now becomes competitive and doctors and their support (nurses, technicians, etc.) personnel's salaries can increase.
(2) People have more freedom (depending on the restrictions of the insurance company they buy from) to pick who, where and when for their medical needs.
(3) It helps minimize the "freeloaders" and cheaters, thus bringing overall costs down considerably.
(4) Most important is that the government won't be in control of our medical community so they can't screw it up like everything else that they control.
(5) Since so many more people will be enrolling in supplemental medical insurance, the cost of that insurance will come down.
(6) Medicaid and Medicare will not have as heavy a draw on their funds.

I realize that this plan needs some fine tuning, but in general it's a start in the right direction.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

WTF ???

It just occurred to me that I never know where the President is or what he's doing. This is because, instead of being in the White House, doing his job; he's cavorting around the country making speeches to try to convince the ignorant voters that his "porkulous" bill is good for them.
So, is Obama merely a figurehead (like the Queen of England) and the country is really being run by the Speaker of the House and her cronies ? Where is our Vice President ? Isn't he participating ? Obama is now in "show business", appearing on a late night talk show (Jay Leno). No President has ever done this while in office. Even Bill Clinton went on these shows before and after serving in office.
First of all, why aren't we questioning Senator Chris Dodd (D. Conn), Representative Barney Frank (D. Mass), Senator Harry Reid (D. Nev & U.S. Senate Majority Leader) and Representative Nancy Pelosi ( D. Cal & Speaker of the House) about why they caused this mess in the first place ? It all started with Obama's group, Acorn suing for (and getting by an act of Congress) loans to people that couldn't afford them, forcing banks to write these loans, forcing insurance companies to guarantee these loans and so on, during the Clinton administration.

Here's a new one that I found in the "porkulous package"...There's a provision for energy efficiency for the making homes more energy efficient. The catch is that the work has to be paid at the local union rate, which of course is much higher. This is the Democrat Davis-Bacon Act.
As an example of this:
By getting my windows recaulked, it would then help keep more cold out in the winter and heat in the summer. My neighborhood handyman said he could do this for $12 an hour and that included materials. The union wage (Glazers Union) is $37.50 an hour, not including materials.
I guess I'll go to Home Depot to buy a caulk gun and caulking material (less than $20) and start caulking windows in my neighborhood for union wages. If I take my time (show up late, take a 2 hour lunch and leave early), I can caulk all the windows in your house in about 3-4 days. This comes out to about $80 per window. new career.

By the way, if you're upset about the AIG and Merril Lynch bonuses, the Wall Street Journal just printed an article saying that Fannie Mae will be paying between $470,000 and $611,000 in bonuses to "some top executives".
To make matters worse, Attorney General Holder said that some of the detainees held at Guantanamo Bay will end up being released in the United States. Just what I want; a known terrorist legally in my country with the good wishes of my government.

Where does the insanity end ? Why isn't anyone doing something about all of this craziness ???

Two topics 2day

Topic #1
I don't know how many of you heard Obama's speech in Costa Mesa, Calif. yesterday. In it he called for illegal immigration (amnesty) for illegal aliens if they would "join a union".
First of all, it was the union (UAW) that broke the auto industry. Second is the fact that we will no longer have a real border as anyone will be able to come into the United States and be given a legal status.
Every person born in this country and every person that has "paid their dues" to become a citizen should be outraged by our President making such a statement. Remember, you fools voted for this guy.

Topic #2
I don't know why Congress is screaming about the bonuses being paid by companies (73 to date) that have received taxpayer "bailout" money. The "porkulus" bill that was signed by Obama has exact wording in it (insisted upon by Pelosi, Reed and Barney) that the bonuses be grandfathered. All of the Democrats and three Republicans in Congress voted for it.
The reason that Congress is screaming is to divert anyone from calling for a true investigation of the part that specific members of Congress played in this. If those representatives that are responsible for the banking problem, the housing problem, the brokerage house failures, the auto industry failure, the AIG problem, etc. were to be investigated and then prosecuted for failure to uphold their oath to uphold our Constitution (plus whatever "kickbacks" they got), more than half of Congress would be put in prison.
Of course, it takes no effort at all to just say, "It was the Bush administration". Can't you see what's going on ? You're being blinded by the "smoke & mirrors" that the Democrats are fooling you with. Don't you remember when I pleaded with you to vote out every member of Congress ? Now you are starting to see the consequences of your ignorance.

How dare Congress even consider making a special tax for bonuses paid by companies that were "forced" to take taxpayer money. Yes, most of the companies are already starting to give it back. The "porkulus package" is a farce.
By now, we're all starting to see that Obama has no executive experience whatsoever and is being run by certain members of the House of Representatives. Is Obama the President or is Pelosi ? Either way, their agenda is to stop democracy and replace it with socialism.
What outrage will Congress do next ???

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Everyone is quite upset that AIG just received its third infusion of taxpayer dollars in the sum of $160,000,000,000 and gave out bonuses of $165,000,000 (part of a $450,000,000 bonus allotment).
I know, you are thinking, "what's the big's only a little over .1% (one tenth of a percent) of the money given to them". The big deal is this; which of you reading this has $165 million to give away ? If you do, give me my share.
When Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank was interviewed and asked about AIG, he said that he was outraged.
When an AIG spokesman was asked about these bonuses paid out of taxpayer money, he said that the bonuses were contractual and AIG was afraid of lawsuits if it didn't give these bonuses.
All that had to be done before any money was given to any company, was that President Obama issue a Presidential Order stating that all lawsuits regarding bonuses to be frivolous and not to be heard in any court. This would mean that those that wished to sue would have to sue the President of the United States and need permission to do so. Of course, no permission would be granted.
I only use AIG to make my point, but this is happening in the banking industry, the farming industry, the automotive industry, the manufacturing industry, etc. There are thousands of companies receiving your tax dollars and putting in their pockets while laughing at the "stupid" wage earners.
When are you going to become outraged enough about how your money....yes, it's your money; is being thrown away? When are you going to get off your ass and start complaining to your Representatives that if they continue, they will be voted out of office ?
The Federal Reserve of course has the solution to giving out all this money; just keep printing more. That means that a quart of milk could cost as much as $10,000 and a loaf of bread would be a bargain at $9,000.
Your Congress and manipulated President are destroying this country as you sit by ignoring the fact that your lifestyle is disappearing and your children will never have the opportunities that you've had. The solution for Washington when this happens, is to nationalize all businesses and take over the entire economy. That will be the end of that great experiment called Democracy and the United States of America.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A solution

After re-reading the Constitution of the United States of America, I realized that our economic and political problems can be easily solved. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the gov't. has the right or obligation to meddle in private enterprise.
First of all, let's solve one problem at a time and concentrate our focus before attempting to solve the next problem.
On the banking problem.
Indict all of those in Congress that forced the banks to make bad loans to people that were either too stupid or couldn't afford a home.
Stop all "bailout money" to the banks and brokerage firms and let the the fittest survive while the others fail.
Cancel all bad loans and call for the properties in default to be auctioned off in order to recover at least a partial amount of these bad loans.
Make all deposits (savings, CDs, etc.) tax exempt.
On the health care problem.
Eliminate all HMOs and PPOs. Since it no longer pays to study medicine for 12 years to become an M.D., let doctors go back to their private practices and affiliate themselves with hospitals of their choice.
Instead of giving away tens of billions of dollars in foreign aid to enemies like N. Korea and Iran, put that money into shoring up Medicare and Medicaid.
Increase subsidies to drug companies to cover costs of research into new drugs so that these drugs will reach the marketplace (in this country) at reasonable prices.
On National Security.
Resign from the United Nations and move them out of this country.
Cancel all treaties and renegotiate them.
Discontinue being the "police force" to the rest of the world. Unless we are at a Declared War, our military should be protecting our borders.
Build up our military so that if we are ever attacked (9/11 as an example), we can retaliate with overwhelming force and obliterate the country (or countries) responsible for the actions of their citizens or military.
Deploy 50,000 soldiers to guard our borders with the authority to "shoot to kill" anyone sneaking across our border (in either direction).
Make "English Only" our national language.
Stop all student visas.
Arrest and put on "chain gangs" all illegal aliens and those that have overstayed their visitor visas for life in order to work on either rebuilding our roads, bridges and other infrastructure.
On our National Budget.
No "pork or pet projects" are to be included in the budget.
No monies are to be spent on the Arts and other "hobby type" enterprises. These things will be sponsored by those that want them to continue.
Stop all foreign aid.
Reinstate Social Security as it was originally intended as a separate account, drawing interest, with a cap on the percentage (5% or less) than can be taken from a workers salary.
Restructure the income tax to either be the "Fair Tax Plan" or a flat tax not to exceed 15%.
Eliminate all inheritance tax.
Tax all producers of raw materials (oil, coal, minerals, etc.) a flat 6% of what they take out of the ground.
Eliminate all subsidies to farms over 1,000 acres and all businesses that have a gross income over $1,000,000/ year.
On crime.
All white collar crimes (fraud, embezzlement, etc.) have a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years at hard labor.
All violent offenders be given a mandatory sentence of 25 years for their first crime and life imprisonment for any future crime (felony).
All prisons shall become self-sustaining by the prisoners either producing products to be sold in the free market or by producing their own food as well as food for sale.

With just these few adjustments, not only does our national debt disappear, the working class keeps more of their income (to spend or invest), we virtually eliminate the illegal alien problem and open up entry level jobs for this next generation, make medical care less costly, increase food production and other businesses, minimize crime, make this country one of the richest in the world, be more secure when we go to sleep and honor the original intent of our founding fathers (our Constitution).

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Drug Economics

We've all heard about the "War on Drugs". It appears that it not only isn't working but keeps thousands employed in this endeavor.
What I don't understand is why anyone would not only take the risk of going to prison, tieing up their money in product or risk getting killed by another drug dealer when there is a much more profitable way to deal drugs with very small penalties if you get caught.
One drug that is 3000 times more profitable than cocaine is Viagra. A kilo (2.2 lbs.) of Viagra powder costs $65 online and can produce 2200 tablets. With an investment in a small pill press (about $125), a rainy afternoon's work and the $65 for the powder, one can produce 2200 tablets, selling for $10 each. That's a profit of $21810.
Another one is buying Niacin tablets. Online they run about $7 per 100 of 1500 Mg. tablets. These sell for $5 each at bars, raves, dance halls, etc. as a substitute for Ecstasy. That's a profit of $493 for one night out at your favorite music venue.
The best part is that these are not "controlled substances" and in some states, selling these drugs without a license to dispense can carry a fine as low as $50 and no jailtime.
I guess that keeping a large part of the population employed in a losing battle keeps the drugs like cocaine available at outrageous prices. This sounds like Obama's plan is working.
Bottom line...if you're going to deal drugs, go for the big profits with the least risk.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Good thinking...

It seems that our new President has some great solutions for some great problems.

He's solved the problem of people that don't pay their taxes. If he appoints a tax evader to his cabinet, then they pay up. What a great plan. Just keep appointing people and the dollars role in. Sounds kinda similar to that stunt that the Ill. Gov. pulled.
I guess that means that if I don't pay my taxes, I can get a cabinet position ?

He said that the recovery will not happen all at once. To make sure of that, he's putting an increase of taxes on those that make over $250K per year. That group is mostly made up of private businessmen. They create over 60% of the jobs in this country.
This now gives the business owner an increased incentive to be open for business only 3 days a week, lay off the help and spend frivolously on the business (such as exotic vacations, expensive sport cars, etc.) Now his earnings will be under the $250K, he'll work less, have a much smaller payroll and enjoy unaffordable luxuries that he couldn't get before. As an added incentive; if his business goes down the toilet because he's not around as much, the gov't. will bail him out with huge amounts of taxpayer money.

He has a great plan on how to recover from this "recession", and also cut the national debt in half. The plan is to SPEND an additional $10 Trillion dollars (daily interest would be over a billion/ day). So, if one were to add the $10 Trillion to the existing $3 Trillion, that would then be $13 Trillion. Aha, Presidential "New Math" shows us that 13 is one half of 3.

He has solved the mortgage problem. By the gov't. ownership of the banks, loans can once again be made to those that haven't the ability to pay. When they reach default, the borrower can then go into court and have a judge reduce the mortgage appropriately (to $Zero if necessary).
This helps our country by keeping families that don't produce anything but more children in homes that the charitable taxpayer buys for them. This is the advanced phase of Carter's "Habitat for Humanity" project.
So, here's how it works...regardless of your financial situation; you buy a large home. You put nothing down, make no payments and when the courts reduce your debt to Zero, you then sell the house for the same price that you paid for it (you don't need to contribute to inflation) and take those hundreds of thousands of dollars to go on vacation where you can't be found for skipping out on your other debts.
Where do I sign up ?

Does President Obama have a clue ? Obviously his agenda is to take us from a democracy to a socialistic state which will become nationalistic and hence, he picks up where Hitler left off.