Sunday, September 04, 2011

Job Creation VS Obama Regulations

I just became aware of another example of this administrations new regulations.
This one involves Gibson Guitars. Since 2009, Gibson Guitar has created 600 new jobs (without any government assistance).
The regulation specifies that if a guitar, piccolo, piano, etc. or instrument of any kind crosses our borders, the owner has to know the species of wood that every component is made of, where it came from and be able to prove it. Customs will seize you instrument if you can't prove the origin of its materials.
The FBI raided a Gibson Guitar factory and confiscated over $1 million worth of ebony and 6 guitars that they claimed was imported from India where ebony is considered as an endangered specie of tree.
The wood was actually imported from a Forest Stewardship Council Certified supplier and it came from Madagascar where ebony is not an endangered specie. Gibson has all of the documentation to prove this.
The government is about to close down Gibson Guitar and put them out of business except for a lawsuit that Gibson is perusing against the government regarding this nonsensical interruption of free enterprise.
Just another example of how this administration is "creating jobs". This is just one example of how the 17,000 new regulations put into effect during the past two years is affecting business, employment and our economy. Obama is hell-bent on destroying America, piece by piece.
Anyone not poor or illegal that votes for him is not only a stupid Liberal but has no idea of how much damage
Obama has done to this country. They argue that he "inherited" a bad situation. The truth is that any respectable businessman could have corrected that situation in less than two years.
Instead of Obama trying to correct the economy, he focused on shoving ObamaCare that we can't afford, down our throats. Now that he's campaigning (with your tax dollars) to be re-elected, he is finally expressing concern about the economy and jobs. You voted him in without knowing anything about this man and his socialist ideas, his communist and radical connections and his inability to run anything but being a "community organizer' (buzzword for radical antagonizer).
Don't be stupid this time, don't believe any of his lies, his mantra of "Hope & Change" is ridiculous. First of all, the Change he spoke about was to destroy those that create jobs and move money from those that work to those that don't work. As far as Hope, one that does nothing can just sit around and hope all they want...nothing happens. Don't be a fool this time. Vote for anyone (even your dog) rather than Obama. If you let him get away with what he's done to this country as of now, you ain't seen nuthin yet.....
Stop being a moron and research everything that he's done since being elected. That will open your eyes; you'll be shocked. Without you doing your own research, you're limited to what the media (that is controlled by Washington with threat of losing their licenses) is allowed to tell you. Start thinking for yourself. He fooled you once, if you let him fool you again, you are responsible for the demise of America.


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