Thursday, May 28, 2009


Amazingly, Sonia Sotomayor as a 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals judge ruled in 2004 that "owning a gun was not a Constitutional right..."
Can you imagine, when a gun control case comes before her on the Supreme Court, she'll destroy the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution.
As a Court of Appeals judge, she refused to hear any Constitutional arguments in a reverse discrimination case.
She is a big supporter of amnesty for illegal aliens, denying States Rights and ignoring legal precedences.
In 1995 she ordered the suicide note (a forgery) of White House Aide Vincent Foster to be released to the public. Foster died under suspicious circumstances linked to Hillary Clinton.
A look at how Sotomayor got to where she is reveals some not-too-interesting facts.
She went to work as an Assistant D.A. in New York from 1979 to 1984.
From 1984 to 1992 she practiced law at a private law firm and was barely adequate as an attorney, always putting "feelings" above the law.
In 1992, Bush 1 needed to appoint someone to the U.S. District Court in New York. He picked her because she was the only candidate at the time that was a "female and person of color".
In 1998 Clinton needed to appoint a "minority" to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals where she has made obscure rulings such as the case where she declared gun ownership as not being protected by the Constitution. That case is being appealed at the Supreme Court where, if she is a judge at that time, will rule again that gun ownership is not a Constitutional right.
I've always been taught that a judge (at any level) was to be impartial, follow the law and leave their biases and feelings at home. Apparently, Sotomayor differs with the concept of justice being "blind".
Her appointment to the Supreme Court will be a great blow to all Americans as she will be rulingt from the far, far left with radical opinions that have nothing to do with following the laws of our land or our Constitution. This should worry all of you (unless, of course, you're either a criminal or an illegal alien).
The more I learn about her, the more I NEVER want to be in her courtroom.


After yesterday's ( 5-26-09) posting of my blog about Sonia Sotomayor, I received many e-mails from my readers as to the errors in this blog.
First of all, I misspelled the name of her country of should be Puerto Rico.
Second was that I said that she was a "radical right winger" error. She is a radical LEFT winger.
I do thank you all for catching my mistakes and informing me as quickly as you did.........THANK YOU !
I have no excuse or explanation for this other than I must have been somewhat distracted when I wrote that blog.
But, you all got the message. Sotomayor has said (in her own words) that she believes in legislating (making law) from the bench and not being bound by the law or the Constitution in making her rulings. Is that what a Supreme Court judge is supposed to do ? No; they are ONLY there to see how the Constitution applies to an individual case and rule accordingly. She will not; thus destroying our Constitution and rendering it to being merely an historical document without any meaning.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Supreme Court nominee ???

Obama's done it again. He's nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
As a person, I have the utmost respect for her. She is of Porto Rican decent, raised in a tenement in New York City and schooled in the New York Public School system. In spite of all this, she rose above it all to become an Appeal's Court Judge. She represents everything that Obama apoligizes for. Although she has a great deal of experience "on the bench", we must examine her philosophy and court decisions.
First of all, she is a radical right winger.
Second, she believes in legislating from the bench.
Third, is that she's known as a "bully".
And, worst of all, she has "touchy-feely" views that make her opinions deviate from the Constitution.
Since the only job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution and rule accordingly, S. Sotomayor is therefore unqualified to be an impartial judge.
However, it really doesn't matter since our radical, liberal President has nominated her; our right wing Congress will therefore vote her in. Being that she's only 48 years old, she'll be another liberal on the Supreme Court for a long, long time.
Perhaps the real; reason that he picked her instead of a more qualified person is to get more women's votes and of course, the Hispanic vote in upcoming elections.
It seems that almost every day, Obama is pushing our country into a liberal, right wing Looooozer.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

He's done it again...

In a recent meeting between Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu (P.M. of Israel), Obama's arrogance was unacceptable to Netanyahu. Obama "ordered" Netanyahu to inform the United States before taking any action against Iran. Otherwise, he said that the United States will claim no complicity.
Netanyahu would not back down, so today, Obama took his revenge.
Obama put together a "deal" with the United Arab Emrites to supply them with atomic technology and materials, making them the first arab nation with full nuclear capabilities.
Now Israel will have another arab nation poised to destroy them.
This is just another example of Obama not getting his way and taking revenge. Obama is a very dangerous man that acts before he thinks and is not only destroying our nation, but taking down the rest of the world with it. By the time Obama gets done, we will all be a broken third world country and either China or the muslims will be our dictators.
As much as I've tried to find something that Obama has done for the good of this country, I find it increasingly impossible. He is a thug that operates with arrogance and intimidation to get others to cower to his foolish agendas.
Every day, I become more fearful that my freedom and way of life is being eroded by this tyrant.
The only reason that you might not agree with me is due to your own lack of looking closer at what he's doing to our government. Remember, ignorance is our most expensive commodity.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Credit Cards & Guns...

In their infinite wisdom, Congress has done it again. Under the "leadership" of Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) Congress has passed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (or CARD) Act which puts some reasonable restrictions on credit card issuers. On the surface, this appears to be helpful to the users of credit cards and is easily passable.
However, if you read the last part of this Act, you'll find that it contains language (and law) permitting citizens to carry loaded guns into National Parks.
What do credit cards have to do with guns ???
This is just an example of how SNEAKY your representatives are in adding their "pet projects" to legislation.
The real problem is the effect that the credit card companies will impose on their very best customers. Not being satisfied with the 4-6% that they charge the merchant, they also charge interest on unpaid balances of the user of the credit card. Obviously, they aren't making enough money. In truth, the credit card companies are making huge profits in spite of the bad customers.
With the passage of this Credit Card Reform Bill, the credit card companies will now take revenge on their best customers. They will now charge annual fees for the privilege of charging interest from the day of purchase as well as removing all incentives and perks for using the credit card. This means that by penalizing their best customers, they will force them into using cash once again and only their very worst customers will continue to use (and abuse) their credit cards.
Notice that everything that our gov't does, is done without thinking out the consequences of their actions. Just another example of gov't. meddling in order to destroy another industry.
Of course, I'm for the credit card companies charging reasonable interest and making a reasonable profit. I'm also in favor of citizens being allowed to bear arms. However, this Bill is ridiculous and was not thought out. In addition, Obama will sign it into law so that he can say that:
(1) He's helping the poor consumer, and
(2) He's not for gun control
Both are lies as he's hurting the consumer that pays their bills; and he's certainly wanting to take away everyone's guns.
At first, I thought this was a joke...but in reality those that we've elected are making decisions for us that only a five year old might do. You put these people in control of your incomes, lives, lifestyles and fool.

More great ideas...

Obama has done it again. He has come up with demanding that auto manufacturers produce cars that get a minimum of 35.5 miles per gallon of gasoline.
On the surface, this sounds really good for the consumer. The truth is;
(1) The increased cost of these vehicles will add $1300 to $1600 to the price of the car.
(2) These cars will be much smaller and lighter, thus increasing the chances of an accident being fatal. This alone will increase the cost of auto insurance.
(3) Once a large percentage of these vehicles are on the road, less gasoline will be consumed so an additional tax (.25-1.00) will be added to the price of gasoline to make up the difference in revenue to the gov't.
(4) This is being done under the guise of making us less oil dependent and "helping the planet".
Bottom line is that you'll be buying a smaller, more dangerous car at a higher price and paying much more for the fuel. Therefore, there will be no savings for the consumer, more income for the gov't. and more road fatalities.

Another of Obama's plans is to fight obesity. He proposes to do this by increasing the cost of food by adding taxes to products with sugar or fats.
This way, not only are obese people penalized, but the rest of the normal and slim people will have to pay more for it. Of course, the revenue from this will help "fatten" the gov't.

In retrospect, Obama has already slaughtered the financial industry, totally killed the automotive industry, is planning to regulate our lives with a repressive health care plan and continues (unchecked) to disassemble everything that has made this country great. His goal (and apologies to other nations for our being great) is to reduce our standard of living so that other countries will no longer envy or dislike us.
I don't give a damn what another country thinks of the United States of America; I don't want to pay more for less to let this egomaniac ruin my lifestyle. Unfortunately, Obama comes up with schemes and never considers the consequences of those schemes. He cons everyone into believing that he is doing all of these destructive things in order to "save us" and boost our economy. Actually, if he did nothing, our economy is set up to correct itself.
He's just getting started at screwing with our lives...lots more to come. Once he has gotten enough of his schemes in place, it will be too late to do anything about it as our entire system will have been destroyed and we will never be the richest and most powerful nation again.
Those of you that voted for this mad man and still support him, will regret what you did. If you only looked at the "big picture" before you voted, Obama would have been your last choice, not your first.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Your $250 stimulus check...

Well, we've been promised checks for $250 from the gov't., to spend in order to help "stimulate" the economy.
Instead of printing these checks (which will cause inflation); why not just cut taxes ? Cutting taxes has always worked and injecting money into the economy has never worked.
I was very surprised to receive a check for $250 from the U.S. Treasury made out in my name. Of course, $250 doesn't go very far these days but did help pay for some frivolous purchase.
What really got me to thinking was when I found out that in their rush to send out these checks to all of us, no one checked on who was supposed to actually get them. The gov't. doesn't have the exact figures yet but knows that over 1.5 million checks were sent to deceased persons all over the nation. A lady in my neighborhood got her check and one for her father that died eleven years ago.
I wondered how could this be happening. Then the answer became had to be one of two things (or maybe both);
(1) the government is always incompetent, or
(2) since our President (Obama) comes from Chicago, and dead people vote in Chicago, then those deceased voters must be eligible to receive gov't checks.
I guess I.Q. means nothing...we have a President that is supposed to have an above average I.Q. (127) and his policies could only be made by a moron. Already, he's reversing some of his decisions as his own party (Democrats) are turning against him.
I wonder when the checks start showing up for my dogs........................LOL

Friday, May 01, 2009

Supreme Court needs an appointee...

Now that Judge David Souter of the Supreme Court of our nation has announced his retirement in June, Obama must appoint someone to take his place.
First of all, Obama must find someone with tax evasion problems...LOL
Since Obama has already expressed that he will nominate someone "who feels for the little people rather than follow the law..."
Since there is no requirement that a Supreme Court Judge have a law degree or have ever tried a case or even ever appeared in any court, anyone with any background can be appointed.
Of course, Obama's appointee will be a right-wing liberal young enough to carry out his agendas long after his Presidency is over.
So...will the nominee be;
A black liberal from Chicago
A Hispanic Female
A muslim (or illegal alien)
A handicapped member of the nazi party
At this point we really don't know; but you can bet it will be someone from the list above.
Since Judge Souter was "middle of the road" in his opinions, a radical right winger will swing the already liberal Supreme Court even farther to the left. Not only will they then interpret the Constitution (as is their only job), but they will now make new laws (which is not their job).
This will be another chunk knocked out of our Constitution and moving us closer to a Nationalistic Socialist country. Our freedoms are at stake. Obama is "hell bent" on turning this country over to those that have no vested interest in it. He wants to give all illegals amnesty; he wants to heavily tax the producers and reward the non-producers, he wants to penalize individual success and pass it on to those that do nothing.
He knows that if he can bring about more and more radical changes in this country, there will be a revolt and he can then declare Martial Law and become King Obama.
So far his ratings are slowly slipping because, even though he is very well liked, more and more people are against his policies. He's even being allowed to violate all laws without anyone speaking an example; what is the government doing owning control over the automotive industry ? The government is NOT ALLOWED to own any businesses.
Everything that Obama has on his agenda is being pushed through under the disguise of "getting our economy going again". Can't you see your freedom, your money and your way of life quietly being eradicated ? If you can't, it's because either you're too lazy to look closer at the consequences of his actions or you're just plain stupid and shouldn't even be Reading this.
Even his Vice President (Joe Biden) said that there was at least a 30% chance of Obama's "recovery plan" failing.