Friday, March 14, 2014

Lies, lies and more lies...

By now, you've probably seen the ads on TV where young people are bragging about the under a hundred dollars a month that they're paying for Health Insurance.
The truth is that those cheap (and they really are CHEAP) plans carry extreme deductibles as high as $12,000 per year before the plan kicks in.   Also, not many people even qualify to buy these cheap plans.
When King Obama and his cohort, Nancy Pelosi knowingly LIED to us about some things I'll mention below, they conned the unconscious Harry Reid into convincing the rest of the Democratsinto believing that the Affordable Care Act was the greatest thing that ever happened.   Nancy even told them (and us) that no one had to read it, they just had to vote for it.   And, like the lemmings they are, the Democrats all voted it into law.
Now, as we get to read it and see it implemented, we see that it isn't as represented.  

LIE #1:
"If you like your present plan, you can keep it".  
Well, it turns out that if your plan didn't cover the things in the ACA law, you got cancelled.   How did King Obama deal with this ?   Breaking the law and bypassing Congress, he waived his hand and let you keep your present plan until after the 2016 elections.   Then you get cancelled.   In order for your present insurance company to "reinstate" you in your plan, they have to break the law.

LIE #2:
"ACA will lower the annual cost for a family by over $2500 a year".
Now, that's a real joke on us.   Other than a few cheap plans that cover very little, most plans cost about $2500 (or more) per year.   As an example, my present plan costs me $217 a month ($2604/ year) with a $1500 deductible.   That same plan, under ACA now costs $346/ month ($4152/ year) with a $6500 deductible.   So, most Americans will be paying more and getting less.

LIE #3:
"If you like your doctor, you can keep him".
That too is an outright lie.   If your doctor doesn't totally comply with the new law, you are being "reassigned" to another doctor.   Your freedom of choice is again being thwarted by this law.

I could go on with the remaining 23 other lies that the Democrats have told you about ACA, but these three should suffice for now.   This is primarily for you low information voters, that know little to nothing about ACA.
King Obama is so bad for our country, violating the Constitution, abusing his powers, lieing to the people, and moving us towards socialism.   He should be impeached and then deported back to where he came from.   America is a Republic, not a Monarchy.   Why isn't anyone doing something about this ?   You fools that voted him in the first time and the idiots that let him steal a second term, will probably vote for Hillary Clinton (Obama 2.0) in 2016.   You haven't a clue of how your lack of knowledge is killing America.


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