Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Immigration Reform

Why do we need "Immigration Reform" ?   What's wrong with the system that has served us well for over 100 years ?
When I speak of ILLEGAL aliens, I am not singling out just those coming in from Mexico...I'm talking about people from almost every nation that sneak into America or stay after their visa expires.
The bleeding heart Liberals only give us examples of the "hard working illegals" and purposely avoid mentioning the crime, fraud and drain on taxpayer funds for their support and medical problems; and never, never admit to those illegals that come to America with no intention of assimilating and becoming citizens because they have an agenda of overthrowing our government.
The main problem that I see is that the immigration laws are not being enforced.  
First of all, why have we ignored the wave of ILLEGAL aliens that pour into our country every year from all over the world ?   If we were to forceably put every illegal alien in work camps for at least five years to "earn" their cost of deportation, that would make future illegals think twice about sneaking into the United States.
I understand that our country needs the work force that they fill.   This is no problem as we have work visas for anyone that can fill a need for an employer.
A big issue is the "Dreamers", those that were smuggled into the United States as children.   True, that it's no fault of their own that their parents broke our laws.   However, the "sins of the fathers" certainly applies here.   They have had all the benefits of a free education, free health care, enjoying a better lifestyle than they would have had where they originally came from.   But why must we continue to pay their way as they become adults ?
The Dreamers want more freebies when it comes to education.   When I went through college, I had no grants, I had no loans; I worked at jobs to earn enough to pay in full for my education...why can't they ?   Why are they even allowed in our public and state run schools ?
On another point....the agendas of these illegal aliens.   Some (not all) of them are here for only one purpose.   That purpose is to impose their beliefs and rules on the citizens of the United States.
Do you really want to live by the ways of some other countries or oppressive religious laws ?
The bleeding heart Liberals obviously want it (or they're too stupid to see the big picture).
I have friends from many counties and understand their wanting to be in America.   However, just wanting to be here doesn't give anyone the RIGHT to be here...there are procedures for coming to the United States and staying here.
All I want is for no more illegals and everyone from another country to be here either with a limited work visa or becoming a citizen.   Try to be an illegal alien in any other country.....they'll either deport you or put you in prison.   We don't even arrest most of the illegals that are criminals.  we give them the same legal rights that are for the citizens of the United States.   They are not entitled to the rights and freedoms that were earned by past generations of American citizens.


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