Sunday, November 17, 2013

More on ACA

I just finished watching "Meet The Press" with David Gregory where he had Nancy Pelosi (C-Dem) as his guest.   When she was asked some very pointed questions, she either avoided the question or gave political double talk about it.
When challenged about her statement regarding ObamaCare (ACA), "Just pass it, you can read it later...".   Her reply was that, "That's how things are done, if not, we'd never pass anything...".
Do you really want your Representatives and Senators to vote for things that affect your life without reading these bills and laws first ?   If you do, then who needs them ?   If you want people voting in your behalf, they should be knowledgeable regarding what they're voting for and how it will affect you.
No one in Congress meets the criteria of having your interest 100% in mind.   They are only interested in "going along to get along" and being re-elected.
I suggest that we no longer support career politicians.   If someone has already served, vote them out so we can have a chance at some new thinking.
Of course, I'm all for people having insurance to cover their medical needs; however, if you look at the ObamaCare "qualified" plans, the least expensive doesn't cover the most expensive medical procedures.   The plans that do, are so expensive that they are unaffordable for most of us.
ACA stands for Affordable Care Act.  
(1) It is a Law not an act.
(2) It is unaffordable.
(3) It diminishes health Care.
More doctors are either dropping out of ACA or are leaving their practices every day.
A huge amount of hospitals are not participating in the new law.
And, to make matters worse, there are age limits for many tests and procedures.
Read the ACA and you'll find that over 60% of it has nothing to do with health care, but is extra things dumped in it by various special interests.

On another note:
One reason people won't sign up for ObamaCare that don't want it is that they're willing to pay the penalty (which is a tax according to the Supreme Court), which is deductible from their income tax.
It actually costs them nothing..........Ta Da


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