Thursday, November 14, 2013

The True Intentions....

"The Cat's Outta The Bag" regarding ObamaCare.
First of all, why is it such a hard sell ?   Have you seen the controversial ads to get younger people to sign up for it ?
Why weren't we told all of what was in it before it became law ?
Why didn't anyone that voted for it, read it ?
Why were we lied to about certain parts of it ?
Why is more than half of the this law dealing with things unrelated to health care ?
Why wasn't an American company used to build the website ?
Why is the website such a failure (and so expensive) ?   Three people in Seattle built a better website that works every time, in just three days, just for the fun of it.

Well, now that our attention has been shifted from getting rid of the law to focusing on signing up people and getting the website running, we should look at what this really is all about.

Do you remember "HillaryCare" ?   When Hillary Clinton tried to force National Health Care down our throats, everyone rejected it because it meant government control over our health and controlling one seventh of our economy.
As soon as Obama became President, Clinton made her move.   She spent countless hours and days helping Obama (coaching him on what to say and what not to say) to get some kind of health care plan started.
From the beginning, ObamaCare was designed to fail.   Why you ask ?   The answer is a bit complex but I'll try to take you through it.
We all know by now that Obama isn't the "sharpest pencil in the box", but Clinton is not only very bright but ruthless too.
Now here's the bottom line on this...ObamaCare will continue to fail.   When Hillary Clinton runs for the office of President (and she will), she'll announce that she has a plan to save the health care plan for America.   She will be elected as our new President in 2016 and by then most insurance companies will have gotten out of the health care business, paving the way for "single payer" health insurance.
What does that mean ?   It means that the government is your insurance company and you pay them the premiums and they decide who gets what and when.   And Hillary finally gets her way.   And you lose a big big freedom.
If you think that this is looking too far into the future, just sit back, relax and watch it happen...

If you think Obama has hurt this country, Hillary is Obama on steroids....she'll complete the destruction of our Republic.


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