Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Gov't Shutdown ???

Well, the gov't isn't "shut down".   Only the NON-essential workers are no longer on the job.    If they're non-essential, then why are they on the payroll in the first place ?

However, Obama has made sure that his "army" is adequately paid.   ACORN and Planned Parenthood have been given $900,000,000.00 to "administer" ObamaCare.
Go to one of their offices and ask for help in finding an Exchange and these incompetent, untrained, unknowlegable people will tell you things like, "I don't have that information, just go online" or I don't know, but I'll try to find out" or "Everything is on".

What's wrong with this picture ?   Nothing.....Cronyism works.   Obama has made sure that his unemployed army is well rewarded with taxpayer money.   They don't have to have any qualifications other than supporting a thug.
Good job Mr. Obama.   You've gone beyond your handler's expectations in bringing down the greatest country in the world while the rest of the world is rolling on the floor laughing at how an entire country can let one man destroy it.


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