Sunday, July 14, 2013

Where is the outrage ???

 I've been trying to inform you about things that are important to our country's survival and your way of life.
Our laws permit us to assemble, to protest and even take collective action.
I've watched the "limited" coverage that our gov't controlled media shows us of citizen uprisings in other countries.   I'm most impressed at what triggered the recent civil unrest in Brazil.   All because of an increase in bus fares, millions of their citizens have stormed into the streets,....protesting against some of the same things that we casually permit in the United States.
We have the least progressive tax code of any industrialized nation.
We are listed by the United Nations as the 5th most corrupt government on earth.
Our news is controlled by the government and we are primarily fed stories of sex, violence and conflict, rather than what's really going on.
We have been taught to be apathetic, making us each say, "What can I do about it?"
We are the least informed nation regarding what is happening in our country.
We have allowed a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class by banks that stole trillions of dollars and are still at it with taxpayer money shoveled at them ; and no one was punished for it.
Money is what controls our Democracy, not what our founding fathers intended.   They intended for us, we the people to control our gov't.   Not the other way around.
Huge sums of money are given to multi-national corporations as subsidies that they use to send their production to other countries and leave Americans jobless.
Now that we've had a chance to "read it" (as Pelosi said), we're just beginning to see that ObamaCare is not only unworkable but will break the economy of the country.
Our privacy has been invaded.
Our Constitution has been bypassed.
We are deeper in debt now than in any other time in history; with little chance of ever paying off our debt.
We just borrowed $1.5 billion from China to give to Egypt.   Insane
Why aren't we marching in the streets ?   Why are we re-electing the people that continue to destroy us ?   Why aren't you OUTRAGED ?
The path that we're on can only lead to a civil war.   The gov't. is aware of this and has been making great preparations  for the past 4 years.
The time has come to stop this destruction of America.   You can do something about it.   Your representatives aren't interested in your letters, phone calls or e-mails.   The corporations make sure that they stay in office.
Organize or partake of marches and protests.   Don't be violent or destructive.   Let your voice and opinions be known.   If you speak loud enough and there are large numbers, the press has to cover it,
thus waking up the apathetic, ill-informed and mis-informed and getting them to join you.
We must never again let this nation fall into radical, socialist hands.   We must get back to living by our Constitution.   We must only be represented by people that have our best interests at heart, not theirs.  
Remember...if you do nothing, then don't complain when you lose everything (and that day is coming).


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