Saturday, April 13, 2013

Immigration Reform

The talk in Washington about Immigration Reform has caused a huge increase in people crossing our borders illegally.   Those that are caught want to get here before any Immigration Reform becomes a law so they can be part of it.  
This will give the Democrats millions more votes in coming elections.
The statistics are in...In January, there was an increase of 9% over the same period last year.   It moved up to 12% in February over the same period last year.   And went up another 17% in March over the same period last year.   These are the statistics from the Border Patrol and don't include the masses that they don't know about.
Don't those Senators, Representatives and the President learn from history ?   When Reagan gave amnesty to the illegals, the message went out..."get into the United States, stay until they do amnesty again..."
Now they're coming from every direction.   Orientals and Middle Easterners (muslims) are coming in from Canada.   Asians are being smuggled in along the west coast.   Europeans (mostly Russian) and Africans are coming in on the east coast.   Hoards of Mexicans, Central & South Americans and Middle Easterners (muslims) are sneaking in from Mexico and by boat along the Gulf of Mexico.
Immigration Reform shouldn't even be discussed until our borders are absolutely secured.
Washington's figures are that 11 million illegals will be "eligible" under the "reform"...the actual number is over 20 million.
They talk about removing any law enforcement personnel that doesn't enforce gun laws and any new immigration law.   Why then isn't Obama removed for not enforcing the laws that we already have ?
Is the law different for him than for others ?
Securing the border is easily solved.   Other countries have little to no problem doing it.   They have their military posted all along their borders and shoot at anyone trying to sneak into their country.
You need a passport and have to enter most countries through areas where you can be checked (airports, roads, train stations, etc.)   We're the only industrialized country in the world that permits this "free flow" of humanity into our country.
I have nothing against anyone wanting to come to the United States and even becoming a citizen.   I do have a problem with the fact that we can't take care of the people that are already here.   A majority of illegals in this country get food stamps, free medical and pay no taxes because the work for cash.   Another problem that I have with the illegals is the rapid growth in the muslim communities.   Whether you believe it or not...islam is ant-American and muslims anywhere in the world (especially the United States) are "hell-bent" on our destruction.   If you don't believe me, just read their koran, and then tell me that islam is a "religion of peace and love".
If you're a concerned citizen, you'll write, call and e-mail your representatives, as well as telling your friends, family and associates to do the same.   Washington is getting away with "buying votes" by this Immigration Reform nonsense before they secure the borders and look at the eventual monetary and safety consequences.
If you do nothing, you'd better either convert to islam to save your ass or learn to speak Spanish so you can still function in your everyday life.


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