Friday, March 22, 2013


Remember when Obama told us that ObamaCare would not increase our health insurance premiums and would probably lower them by as much as $2500 a year ?
                    OBAMA LIED TO ALL OF US...and he knew he was lying.
Well. today, the insurance companies announced that premiums will go up as much as double within this year in order to allow for the influx of un-insurable people (with pre-existing conditions) into their insurance plans and to pay for those that can't afford insurance.
This is like Budweiser raising their prices so people that couldn't afford beer, can now have it.
The IRS, meanwhile has categorized full time employees as those that work 30 hours a week instead of 40 hours a week; thus making part time employees eligible for employer coverage.
Employers all over the country are now making their employees into part time workers by cutting their hours to 28 hours a week and those people now have to buy their own insurance or pay a fine.
Remember when Pelosi said, "Just pas the bill; you can read it later" ?
So, no one read it before or after.
Now we all get the first wave of how bad ObamaCare is.   If you read it all the way through, you'll see more and more costly surprises that will hurt business and individuals to the point where they either have to break the law or just stop working.
This is just another item of Obama's agenda to destroy the middle class.
I am asking to RECALL Obama from his (fraudulently elected by multiple voters) Presidency and have all of your Representatives repeal ObamaCare.   If he is allowed to continue (with his Executive Orders and creating agencies run by unelected individuals) you will not only become poorer but you will lose more and more of your freedoms.
OUST THAT SOB........................
Of course most of you haven't a clue regarding the damage he has already done to this country, so you won't do a thing.   Those of you that praise Obama are either really ignorant or mentally ill.
You can't afford to let this man remain in office for even another's killing the United States.


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