Tuesday, February 26, 2013

GAO announcement

The GAO (Government Accounting Office) announced today that ObamaCare would be adding $6.2 Trillion to our deficit.   So, we catch Obama in another lie......when he told us that ObamaCare would not add a single cent to the National Debt.
Now, he's up to his old tactics of creating fear in the population over the "sequester".   He's saying that if nothing is done to stop the "sequester", the economy will fall apart.   Remember when he told us that we had to spend $800 Billion to bail out the banks to stop the world's monetary system from failing ?   Well, less than $200 Billion of that has been used.   So, where is the rest of that money ?
For over four years, Obama has taken any situation and created a calamity out of it.   Stop believing this LIAR that we have, ruling our country as a dictator using fear to get his way.   Remember.....you voted for him not just once out of ignorance, but a second time out of stupidity.
Until he's gone, we'll have large unemployment, more and more oppressive regulations, higher taxes, higher prices, and an overall poor economy.   He knows nothing about running this country, other than how to make it fail...like the failure he has always been (from failing as a community organizer, being an incompetent Senator, to finally proving to us that he can't handle the job of President.
Really; would you hire this guy to work for you ? or would you buy a used car from him ?   If you answered yes to either question, you're a F-----g idiot and should not be subscribed to this blog.  
Please let me know that you'd like your name removed from the mailing list as I'm tired of dealing with fools.


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