Monday, January 28, 2013

Congress not for America

First they argue over Gun Control, now it's Immigration.
I hope that you understand that Immigration is not about's about getting new voters.
There are obvious solutions to the illegal immigrants.

One, very harsh solution is that every illegal that is found, be branded on their forehead with the word ILLEGAL and then dumped at the border.   Now, they know why they must stay away...

Another, more humane solution is to allow any illegal in the country already, as long as they register with the government, have a job, pay taxes, learn English and cannot apply for citizenship for a minimum of 10 years and never be able to vote.   All others are to be put on chain gangs to work on fixing roads, etc. for 10 years and then returned to the border.
Reagan tried to solve the problem and it only gave hope to more illegals entering the U.S.   Amnesty sends the message that breaking our laws is better than going about immigration the legal way.
The government is not interested in those people...only their vote.   Most of us have relatives that entered this country by legal means.   Why is this new wave of illegals becoming privileged ?
Of course the medical community is thrilled to have 20 million (the gov't says 11 million) new patients that Obamacare will pay for (with your tax dollars) instead of having to give free services to the illegals.
Try to cross the border in any other country're in for the hassle of your life if you're caught.

Yes, America was built by foreigners and continues to grow with their help.   However, this is not the 1600s or 1700's or even the 1800's.   We're in the 21st century, we have laws and rules that need to be enforced.   The federal gov't. won't do much so some states have taken it on their own and are penalized by Washington for their initiative.
Illegal is illegal.......what don't you understand about this word ???


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