Thursday, November 08, 2012


Within hours after he was declared to be re-elected, President Obama signed the U.N. Arms Ban Mandate.   This automatically voids the 2nd Amendment.
When is the NRA going to start screaming about this ?
Obama has been trying to legislate gun control and this is how he is able to do it.   Obviously he was right when he said, "The Constitution is getting in my way...".
How many more articles in our Constitution is he going to violate or bypass ?
Why hasn't this been in the press ?
There is already talk about Obama being our LAST President.
I don't know about you, but I'm scared about what he's doing to disassemble this country.
Re-elected or not, he must be removed from office before he completes his deal with Russia and China.
This is not doom & gloom or conspiracy theory.   Obama is intentionally bringing down the United States.   I am starting to believe those that say that he's acting as an agent of foreign interests.
We all know by now that he's a confirmed socialist and heavily schooled in communism.   So why were we so stupid to leave him in power ?
The press doesn't let you know of all the Executive Orders that he's issued in his first four years that have crippled growth and prosperity in this country because the press is controlled by this administration.
If you ever believed in EVIL...the time is now and he is it !!!


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