Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The new Ottoman Empire

Interestingly, Obama has done everything a coward can do to appease the muslim world.   He couldn't care less about Israel's survival.
 Looking forward, a thought occurred to me...Obama may go down in history as the catalyst behind the second Ottoman Empire.  
He has made the United States look weak and as a "joke" in defending itself.   Wrong as he might have been, at least Bush took action when we were attacked.   Obama, the muslim pacifist, chooses to do nothing but give meaningless speeches that verify his resolve to letting muslims do whatever they please in attacking our embassy's and our country.   As a "community organizer", Obama is still practicing the strategy of "do nothing and take no blame".
All Obama has is empty rhetoric which can't be delivered without stumbling if he has no teleprompter.
Isn't anyone of you concerned about the muslim threat ?   Do you really believe that there are "good" muslims ?   How can you have any respect a cult that suppresses all women, that stifles all progress, that has no moral values, that forces the return to a 1500 year old way of life ???
If Obama is re-elected, not only will you see Israel attacked by the muslims, but America will suffer attacks (chemical, biological and perhaps nuclear) that make 9/11 look like a dress rehearsal.
You voted for him last time when you knew nothing about him....Now that we all can see his Socialist, Communist, anti-America agenda, how can you vote for the man that will help the muslim world at the cost of America ?   If he gets re-elected, it's your fault because you didn't do enough to stop him and you'll deserve what you get.................


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