Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Shades of Watergate ?

Very interesting, why the President would declare "Executive Privilege" regarding releasing papers in the Eric Holder case of "Fast & Furious".
In case you're not aware of what "Fast & Furious" is, it was a White House plot for the government to sell guns and other weapons to the Mexican drug cartels in order that when these were used in killings and traced back to the fact that they came from gun shows in the United States, there would be such an outcry that Obama could put forth his agenda of Gun Control.
On more than one occasion, Obama is quoted as promising to get Gun Control legislated but he said that certain things "under the radar" had to be done first.
As it turns out, an American Law Enforcement Officer was killed with one of these guns and the investigation that followed, led to the authorization of "fast & Furious to Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder.
Now that Congress is "hell-bent" on investigating this, Eric Holder has refused to present important papers that Congress has requested that would show that Obama was the originator of this plot.   In his refusal, Eric Holder is subjecting himself to Contempt of Congress.   Obama, in trying to cover up his own involvement by issuing an "Executive Privilege" to cover his own ass.
Do you remember Nixon and Watergate...............Hmmmm.   Here we go again, a President being involved in sneaky, underhanded and illegal actions for his own personal agenda.   Could this be the "last straw" in getting rid of this thug ?   Can you imagine what he will do if he should get to serve another term ?   Do you see why he just pulled off an Executive Order for illegals in order to get their
vote ?   Are you watching the alterations of tapes of Romney speeches by the White House controlled media ?
This thug (Obama) will do whatever is necessary (legal or otherwise) to secure his re-election in order to further his suppression of the middle and upper class and the destruction of the Constitution.   In the last election, it has already been proven that Obama got hundreds of thousands of votes from illegals, multiple voters (voting over and over using the names of registered voters that never made it to the polls) and dead people.   This too is why the Obama administration is against any kind of voter ID.   As things stand now, anyone can register all over their city in different names and vote multiple times or vote in anyone's name that is already registered.   In some towns around the country, you don't even have to be registered to vote; just walk up and say that you haven't voted yet and wish to vote now.   Any illegal can certainly do that.
If you're not sorry that you voted for Obama in the last election and plan to vote for him again, you're either an idiot or totally clueless and are voting without knowing anything about this man.


At 7:25 PM, Blogger trublugrl said...

Yes I totally agree with everything you stated here re: "Shades of Watergate"!

Yes, I remember Watergate, and
I also remember "two" participants
being in the same E.S.T. Seminars as we were at. Did I vote for Obama?
Certainly Not! Would I? Not!
Who will I vote for and "will" I vote?
That, my freind, remains to be seen.


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