Thursday, June 14, 2012

After going through the "registered Voter roles" in the state of Florida, it was found that over 182,000 Illegal Aliens were registered and voted in the last election. Several organizations have requested that something be done about this. At every level of government, the Democrats have opposed notifying INS or ICE. The main reason is that Illegal Aliens vote Democrat exclusively. In every state where voter ID has been proposed, Democrats are claiming that it's discriminatory. Duh...of course it is...we want to discriminate against Illegal Aliens and have legitimate elections. How dare we let non-citizens that are here illegally have a vote in determining the laws and representatives in our country, states, counties, cities and communities. With the hundreds of thousands of votes from dead people added to the hundreds of thousands of votes from illegal aliens it any wonder how Obama got elected and will get elected again... This is your fault if you do nothing about it and let the Democrats continue with this corruption of our voting system. The last time that I voted, no one asked me for any proof of who I was. All That I had to do was give them a name that was on their list of registered voters and sign that name in the appropriate space. Theoretically, I could have voted many times at different voting places without any challenge whatsoever. The mantra is "VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTEN" among the illegal community. Republicans want something done about this, Democrats want nothing done about this, and Libertarians don't care either way. Personally, I'm wondering if it's even worth wasting my time to vote at all, since the outcome is already "rigged".


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