Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Something is really wrong...

We've all been watching the Republican "candidates" not only destroy each other but bring discredit to the Republican party, thus making none of them capable of beating Obama in the coming election.
To make matters worse; on Sept. 6th, Obama will be nominated by the Democratic party. He is unopposed even though most of the party either is totally disappointed by him or is in fear of what he can do to their careers as he's thrown so many of his supporters "under the bus" already.
And of course, let's not forget about the Supreme Court decision that permits "Super PACS" from spending unlimited sums on their choice of candidate. Obama has raised over a billion dollars in his "Super PACS" and has Acorn already intimidating voters in some areas of the country.
Doesn't something seem strange about all of this ? Are the American people being conned by an already inept government ?
At this point, we certainly can't vote for Obama and the potential candidates in the other party are all poor choices for President. So, what is one to do ?
If Obama gets re-elected, it's the end of our democracy and the American way of life. He will make us into just another copy of a European country and let illegals and muslims run rampant. He will break many companies with his Obamacare and other agencies and their restrictions as well as making America more vulnerable with a smaller armed force to protect us.
Isn't it time to revolt and force our government back to the way our forefather's intended it to be ?
What are you doing about it ? Are you content to keep your head buried in the sand and drink the cool-aide ??? Then you deserve what's coming in the near future. Prepare yourself for your income to decrease, your taxes to increase, prices of everything to go way up, your "freedoms" to be redefined and your entire way of life and standard of living to radically change for the worse (unless of course you're one of the non-contributors in our society).
DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS..................dammit !!!


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