Saturday, November 05, 2011

The "Great One"

Isn't Obama proud that the air support that he authorized, helped with the fall of the tyrant in Libya. Now the flag of Al-Qaeda flies over Libya's capitol.........good job Obama, helping enemies of the U.S.

On another matter; the Solyndra bankruptcy is starting to look pretty bad for Obama. He personally pushed through $525 Million of taxpayer money to Solyndra and now they're bankrupt. An investigation is taking place and we are prohibited from seeing the corruption in this case. Obama has threatened to use Executive Privilege in order to NOT release his e-mails to the head of Solyndra, who by the way was a major contributor to Obama's re-election. In addition, Obama wants the e-mails suppressed because they implicate him in "under-the-table" cash "kickbacks" to him in the sum of millions of taxpayer dollars deposited in his offshore account.
Besides his efforts to bring down the United States, he is lining his pockets with our money.
Does this sound familiar ??? Every leader of a Middle Eastern country has been given tens of millions of dollars (as foreign aid) and they have pocketed it for their own fortunes (Iraq, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Nigeria, etc.).
No wonder that several organizations that track international corruption have all said that the United States is the 5th most corrupt country in the world...
I suppose you want to re-elect Obama so he can stash more of your money in his private account. How do you think that this man has become a multi-millionaire ? Ans: He steals from everywhere that he example is that as a "community organizer", his organization went broke. Could it be that he embezzled their fund too ?
By the way, a lot of your Congressmen also get kickbacks from companies that they support in the form of homes, boats, cash, scholarships for their kids, etc.
Meanwhile, Michelle Obama keeps pulling an "Evita Peron" on us by spending taxpayer dollars on expensive clothing and jewelry and having lavish parties.
Obama acts more like a dictator than a President......and you want him to continue. The real truth about this failure of a President will all come out after he is no longer President of the United States. It's up to you to have four more years of your money being stashed by him and other corrupt leaders or for us to have a new start with someone else. Notice that even though the Democrats have other more qualified people than Obama to run against him, no one dare. Obama is relying on "Chicago style" voting (illegals, dead people, uninformed 18-30 voters, votes by the elderly by their caregivers, homeless, welfare mothers, etc.). If you include the black vote, this is how he won last time (see ACORN, his private army).
Haven't you had enough of this fraud of a man yet ??? Some members of the Electoral College have already sworn to re-elect him. I wonder what their payoff is...


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