Wednesday, October 19, 2011


In my recent observations, I've noticed that our representatives (Congress and the President) are no longer referring to us as CITIZENS, but rather as "Consumers".
They're passing laws and regulations about what we eat, what we are allowed to own, where we can't go and about our habits and health.
This is not the Democracy that our founding father's had in mind.
Of course, over the past 200 and some years that we've been a democracy, we've allowed our "rulers" to slowly move away from democratic rule and more towards being "Rulers" rather than complying with the wishes of the citizens. The present administration is the most guilty of this.
In my observations, I see why this is so.
Democracy is unnatural...
Just watching children in the schoolyard during their play period, they always have one that seems to be the "organizer" or leader of the groups that they form, telling (or suggesting) what they'll play and what the rules will be. This is a more natural form of governance. It is more akin to a monarchy or dictatorship; which is far more acceptable than democratic rule amongst the group.
Perhaps, it's time that we reevaluate how far we've moved from being a Democracy and reorganize ourselves into a better form of government. Since democracy is merely MOB RULE, and in today's atmosphere, it's money and politics that has become the determining factor in how our government is treating us...a change is due.
Personally, I'd like to get back to honoring our Constitution and update it to encompass our modern technology, keeping the original seven Articles (with a few updated modifications). Some of the Amendments are either no longer valid or needed, others are vague enough where abusive use has come into play with them; as well as needing some new ones for our modern world.
Now, I'm not saying that children, unencumbered by politics or money have a better system of organization; I'm merely saying that if we want to continue to be a Democracy, we have to work harder at it and not sit back leaving all decision making in the hands of a few. If we don't do something soon, we will all be under the whims of our Rulers under the guise of socialism and eventually a Dictatorship.


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