Thursday, October 06, 2011

Apparently, this administration has done nothing but help plummet our economy into a downward spiral.
Their excessive spending and accumulation of thousands of business restrictions keeps the government taking in less and less, thus putting us into a potential for another great DEPRESSION.
A solution to putting people back to work, making the economy robust and giving the government more money than they can spend might but the following. As much as one might disagree with the suggestions below, I only ask that you consider them. They must ALL be implemented, as by "picking and choosing" which ones, defeats the purpose intended.
(1) Vote out all incumbents, including the failed President (Obama). This would give us a chance to start fresh with a President and Congress that might do the will of the people (Example: Repeal Obamacare which in itself will be too costly to maintain and restrict the fine medical services we now have).
(2) Tax the unions. Since these multibillion dollar organizations have huge staffs with exorbitant salaries and are mostly political arms, they serve little of their original intended purpose of helping the working class.
(3) Tax all churches and religious organizations. Some of these have become multibillion dollar organizations with a political agenda anyway (not to mention the millions of dollars sent from mosques to our enemies in the middle east).
(4) Legalize prostitution. Since prostitution has always gone on and will continue to flourish, why not tax it ?
By having licensing, medical documentation and taxation on it, law enforcement could be used elsewhere, the spread of venereal diseases could be minimized and this would produce additional income for the states.
(5) Legalize marijuana. Just like the laws and taxes on tobacco and liquor, the same rules, laws and restrictions could be imposed on marijuana (packaged and sold just like cigarettes). This alone would reduce crime, free up law enforcement, regulate quality and produce a huge windfall of money to the government.
We all saw what happened during Prohibition and why the 18th Amendment was repealed.
(6) Deregulate various industries that are only hampered by many of the restrictions and regulations imposed on them, thus charging the public even more for their products or services.
(7) Institute the Fair Tax Plan so that the government would take in more money and the wage earner would keep more of their money. With this plan, the IRS could be minimized or eliminated, thus saving even more money for the government.
(8) Stop all subsidies to corporations. This would make competition greater, reducing prices to the consumer and keep billions of dollars in our treasury.
(9) Only give foreign aid to those countries that can pledge allegiance to us and have them make an accounting of how this aid was spent.
(10) Eliminate many government departments that are really states rights (Example: Department of Education).
(11) Put import taxes on all items coming from countries that tax our exports. This would bring jobs back to America.
(12) Put all illegal aliens into work camps, either producing agriculture or consumer items for export.
(13) Stop rebuilding areas in other countries until we've rebuilt our own deteriorating infrastructure and cities.

Whether you agree or not, you must admit that these suggestions would not only put America back to work, help the poor to move up to the middle class, make the government (both federal as well as local) take in more money, but make us the greatest nation in the world for ourselves and the generations that follow us.
Let's make the global economy compete with us rather than how we're struggling to compete with them...


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