Monday, October 24, 2011

The absurdity of it all...

This whole Presidential candidate thing has gotten out of hand.
All we see is a bunch of people running from state to state in what they're calling "debates" for a chance to "badmouth" each other and present some sort of plan that might or might not work, assuming Congress will let it. No matter who "wins" any of these debates, they have each diminished the credibility of the others by the time it's over.
It really doesn't matter who ends up being the Republican long as they can beat Obama.
The Democrats are just as ridiculous in the fact that they aren't putting up anyone to oppose Obama even though over 60% of the country is against him. Is this the best that the Democrats have to offer us ? add insult to injury, Obama is no longer doing his job. His entire focus is on running around the country campaigning for re-election. I'm not quite sure why he even has to do that as he is the Democratic candidate (by default).
In addition to all this running around, millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent by a man that has disappointed us in order that he get four more years in order to disappoint us more.
Has anyone calculated exactly how much the Obama campaign is costing us ??? I guess that this is his way of creating jobs; by hiring people to work on his campaign............but he's running unopposed.
I don't like him, I won't vote for him and I'm fed up with his spending my money on fancy dresses and parties for his wife and all of my dollars that he's wasting while not doing his job.


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