Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This is the longest that the U.S. has ever been in an UNDECLARED WAR in it's entire history.
What is the height of stupidity is the fact that we give Pakistan tens of billions of dollars to "buy" their friendships and support. Most of this money goes into the pockets of their leaders and the rest goes into training camps where the Pakistani army trains Al Quada and Taliban to fight against Americans.
Although the news reports on the U.N. efforts in both Iraq and Afghanistan, in truth it's primarily the U.S. troops that are fighting these wars.
With our expertise in operating the drones, why can't we wipe out our enemy ??? Could it be that we are afraid that Pakistan will use their nukes on us or Europe or even Israel ? Why are we letting them blackmail us ???
First of all, the days of "conventional war" are past. Countries all over the world are "gearing up" for WW III.
China, Russia, Iran, No. Korea, etc. are building their nuclear arsenals, delivery systems and armies in preparation for the nest world war.
In the meantime, Obama wants to reduce us militarily. Since one drone, it's maintenance and operator cost less than 20 troops (with their weapons and support systems) in the field, why can't we slash hundreds of billions from our budget (debt) and use more of these drones ? There is no need to have troops on the ground in order to fight a war these days. Between bombers, jet fighters, helicopter raids and of course drones, we could destroy the enemy easily. If we stop rebuilding these countries that we're at "war" with, there are more billions that we could slash from our expenditures.
All things being said, Congress can reach it's goal of "cutting back" as well as declare WAR so we can proceed with finishing it. This way, we could bring back our service people and use some of these savings to rebuild our country, thus producing jobs for the returning troops.
This amounts to:
(1) Cutting spending
(2) Winning a war
(3) Strengthening our economy
(4) Having American troops protecting America
By now, I hope that you realize that everyone in Washington must be replaced as they're not only corrupt but incompetent as well. They can only get away with what they're doing (or not doing) if we continue to let them.


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