Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Money Laundering

We've all heard the term "Money Laundering" in regard to the illegal drug trade. The definition is: To disguise the source or nature of funds by channeling through an intermediate agent.
This is a method used by criminals to end up with money that they can account for.
However, is it a criminal act when it is done by our elected officials ?
As we all know by now that our present government is the most corrupt ever. Obama himself has violated the Constitution more times than all Presidents before him (in total) since President Jackson.
Take for example the money laundering scheme for Obama's re-election. Obama has personally forced one specific industry (Green Energy) to be given billions of dollars as "stimulus money". The catch was that they return 10% or more of this taxpayer money in campaign contributions for Obama's re-election.
If that isn't money laundering, then what is ???
Solyndra alone, received $535 million dollars and made enormous political contributions to not only Obama, but Barbara Boxer (D-Cal), Harry Reid (D-Nev), the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Committee, and other democrats.
Worst of all, most of these government funded "green companies have either already failed or are in bankruptcy. And it was all done with YOUR MONEY.
Why don't you just send Obama your next paycheck and avoid the middle man ???
You foolishly elected him and now you want to vote for him again..............you're really STUPID.
If he gets re-elected, "you ain't seen nuthin yet....."; he'll do much more damage to this country, your way of life and your pocket than you can imagine.


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