Thursday, March 22, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama - Part 1

Since I've been writing this blog, I've been openly anti-Obama. A few of my readers take offense at that and I've had ongoing (back and forth e-mails) with some of them.
Let me tell you about this guy that we have to call our President:

Obama is exactly the kind of demagogic President the Founding Fathers feared would undermine the stability of the American republic, trading on personal charisma and employing what Alexander Hamilton called "the little arts of popularity." In addition to practicing a style of politics that would be abhorrent to the Founders, Obama is the most ideologically leftist President in American history, more radical by several orders of magnitude than either Franklin Roosevelt or Lyndon Johnson.

Obama shrewdly exploited the nation's unhappiness in the sudden economic catastrophe of the fall of 2008 to win an election with vague and empty appeals to "hope and change", but offered few specifics on how he would govern. His drive for the Presidency was less an election campaign than the creation of a cult of personality, complete with the first ever logo for a Presidential candidate. Obama deliberately encouraged preposterous conceptions of his own greatness, telling the American people in his nomination acceptance speech in 2008, for example, that his name, Barack, means "blessed".

In presenting himself literally as a messiah figure, he raised unrealistic and unhealthy expectations for what he really could deliver in office. Obama's advanced narcissism led him to grandiosities such as his claim, upon securing the Democratic nomination, that history would record that "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal", as though he seriously believed that he could command the waves to stop. While his personality and charisma was enough to win the election, his reliance on these very same attributes is now degrading his own Presidency and the status of the office itself. According to a Gallup Poll, Obama has become the most politically polarizing President (separating America by economic status and racial divides) in the sixty year history of Presidential polling.

Obama came to the Presidency with the thinnest record and least governing experience of any modern day President, justifying the view that he should be considered America's first affirmative action President, who won the election largely because of his race. Of course, many independent voters chose him as a means of proving that they were not racists. A liberal columnist wrote that Obama makes white voters "feel better about themselves for liking him". Many voters, and obviously the mainstream media that openly supported Obama, avoided looking at the evidence of his radicalism and unfitness for office, and particularly from his association with violent revolutionaries such as William Ayers and radical anti-Americans such as his church pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah ("God damn America !") Wright, who openly proclaims Marxist inspired "black liberation theology" from the pulpit.

If you want to know more about the ego driven, failure as our President, let me know and I will tell you more about Barack Hussein Obama that you might not have considered as of yet...................


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