Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Possible Solution

How much more do we have to take ?   How stupid is our administration ?
Can't anyone see the pattern ?   In every case where we have interfered with another countries problems, it's "bit us on the ass".   As an example; we armed Al Quada and now look at what they're doing to us.
We stick our noses in everyone else's conflicts that are really none of our business.
Who declared us as the policeman of the world ?
No wonder that we're so in debt.....first we give millions and millions of dollars worth of arms to people that will turn on us, then we put our American troops at risk, then we destroy the property of those we claim we're helping and finally, we spend billions rebuilding what we destroyed.   All of this in the name of Democracy.
A possible solution might be:
(1) Leave other countries to solve their own problems.
(2) Stop arming our future enemies
      The money saved from this alone can reduce our debt considerably.
(3) Instead of arming future enemies, arm every American citizen.
      This works in Switzerland where everyone is armed and crime is almost non-existent.
(4) When any of our interests or property are attacked, retaliate immediately with overwhelming death and destruction.
(5) Build an armed force that no one would dare challenge and let them do their job.
(6) stop caring what others might think of us......Political correctness is for the weak.
(7) Forget about the Arab countries and develop ties with other powers like Russia and China.
(8) Being that we're being "hijacked" by muslim countries charging ridiculously priced oil, if we were Strong, we'd just take it (or at least set a world price).

Say what you will about Bush; but he came up with ":Shock & Awe" even though he may have had his facts wrong about WMDs.   However, he acted appropriately against an enemy anyway.
There is no muslim country that is our friend.   Why are we going further in debt and risking American lives on people that are not only unreasonable but hate us anyway ?
Isn't it time that we focus on solving our problems instead of the rest of the world's problems ?

...and of course, Obama is such a wimp that he'll do nothing about our Ambassador being killed.
We need strong people running our country whose interests are for America first.
Bottom line..............America first, the hell with our enemies.


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