Saturday, September 15, 2012

Where is all the money ?

The United States gives Billions of dollars to all of the countries in the Middle East.   The greatest portion goes to the countries that are our enemies.   The worst part is that these monies are supposedly "earmarked" for civilian aid and are not spent on it.   We have no requirements for reporting or oversight as to where all of our taxpayers money is going.   No one has to account for the money that we give them.
A perfect example is the recent killing of our Ambassador to Libya.   We gave Billions in money as well as weapons and tactical support to help Libya become free.   However, the Libyan government did little to nothing in protecting our Embassy there.
Another big example is the tens of Billions and weapons given to Pakistan to help them build their army to get rid of the taliban.   To the best of any one's knowledge, none of this money has ever gone to the intended's all gone into private foreign bank accounts of government  officials.
The Pakistani's complain about our drones killing "innocent" people when we kill taliban and al quada leaders.   So why aren't the Pakistani's using their own army and police that we've paid for to get the radical muslims out of their country ?
Even in Afghanistan, where we arm and train their army, their soldiers turn on Americans and shoot them.
It's that muslim mindset..."what's mine is mine; what's yours is mine and you are always wrong while I am always right".
Every muslim country has one excuse or another for why the taliban or al quada is operating in their country.   The real reason is that they are muslims and support the other muslims as long as they're anti-American.   And yet, we keep putting American lives at risk and dumped huge amounts of money into the various countries leader's pockets.
Next April, when you pay your taxes, think about how much wealthier you're making the leader of a muslim country.
I for one am tired of seeing dead and maimed Americans coming home and watching muslims burning our flag in the streets.   What the hell is Obama's foreign policy ?   Is it to give our money to our enemies to hopefully "buy their friendship" ?   You know that no muslim can be trusted to be our friend (read the koran).   Enough is enough.............No more foreign aid to any country that has even one anti-American living there.
I've had more than enough of this administration's "DO NOTHING" attitude regarding America.


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