Sunday, November 04, 2012

Your Congress

These past four years have seen a Congress that has the lowest approval in the history of the United States.   The reasons for this is that most Senators and Representatives are more interested in:
(1) Voting with their party
(2) Being re-elected
(3) Guaranteeing their financial future
Lobbyists have promised them all kinds of perks to vote for their individual agendas.
Corporations lavish them with things like free college education for their kids, expensive vacations, consulting jobs when they leave Congress, forgivable loans to buy mansions, and the list goes on...
Wall Street just about "owns" Congress.   All of the "controls" that were put in place after the crash, are all but extinct by now.
People say that the system is broken...I say that the system is fixed (rigged).
Ask yourself, why does someone spend more money to be elected to Congress than the job pays ?
The answer is that it's the easiest way to become a multimillionaire without having to work for it.
By a consensus at the U.N., the United States is listed as having the fifth most corrupt government amongst all nations.
What can be done about this ?   Stop listening to their excuses and blaming the other guy.   It's your keep electing them, over and over again.   I recommend that part of the solution to this problem is within your out all incumbents and those that voted for legislation that was against what the majority of the country wanted.   As an example:   Over 74% of the country was against ObamaCare, yet it was shoved down our throats with Pelosi telling us that after it becomes law, we'll then find out what's in it.
I repeat; VOTE OUT THOSE BASTARDS.    Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are extremely dangerous and do not have your interests (or the country's) at heart.   They are only concerned with having power and wealth.
Yes, you can help repair the damage that's been done to the system that made America great.   Your vote is the final decision as to this continuing or not.   You are ultimately the responsible party.


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