Saturday, October 06, 2012

I don't want you to think that I'm a bleeding heart liberal after reading this post.   Actually, if you've read any of my previous posts, you know that I'm totally against illegal aliens.
I've spent the last few months writing to and speaking with Latinos from all over the United States.   

Here are some of the things that I've discovered:
(1) Most of the Latinos in this country (80%) are citizens and speak English.
(2) There are as many illegal aliens from Asia and the Middle East as there are from Mexico and Central America.
(3) No effort is being made about the problem of Asian and Middle Eastern illegals.   Only the Mexicans are being singled out.
(4) Over 80% of Latinos that are citizens are registered voters.
(5) In this election, one can't win it without at least 35% of the Latino vote.
(6) Latinos account for over 18% of small businesses in this country.
(7) This new generation of Latinos are uncomfortable speaking Spanish or can't at all.
(8) Other than the illegals, most Latinos make an effort to assimilate into America; Asians and Middle Easterner's do not.
(9) Most Middle Easterners come here to infiltrate America and destroy us.
(10) Most Asians come here for opportunity.
(11) Most Latinos come here to start a new life.
(12) Obama broke his promise to the Latino community when he promised them that he would make changes in the immigration system in his first year in office.   They feel betrayed.
...and the list goes on.

Since we share a border with Canada and Mexico, why can't we make the path to citizenship easier for immigrants from those two countries ?
Why aren't we rounding up illegal aliens from the Middle East and Asian countries instead of Latinos only ?
Why is Homeland Security even allowing illegals into the U.S. regardless where they're from ?
Why can't our Congress come up with a new, more applicable immigration policy (and enforce it) ?
Remember that 12.5% of the votes that Obama got in the last election were from the Latino community. Latinos would vote overwhelmingly for Romney if he'd just tell them his plans for immigration that included them.



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