Monday, October 01, 2012

Liar Liar.......

Finally, the truth is coming out about another lie from the White House.
A week before the attack on our embassy in Libya, a request was made to Washington for more security as they had information that an attack on the embassy was imminent.   This request was denied because "we helped them and they are our friends now...".
How do we know that ?   The Ambassador kept a detailed diary in which he wrote down this information.   Interestingly is that his diary was found four (4) days after the attack by a CNN news crew.  
The FBI, that immediately investigates these things still hadn't shown up in Libya.   A memorandum to the FBI told them that this wasn't a priority.   The White House has refused to produce this memorandum so far.
Instead of telling the people of the United States the truth, the White House, under Obama's orders,
decided to cover up their screwup.   Instead, they concocted the story that the attack happened "just suddenly" because of a movie made and seen over six months ago, depicting mohammad in a less that stellar light.   Not only was this an outright lie, but incited muslims in other countries to form protests at our embassies around the world.
By now, you should be able to see that Obama is a thug, a schemer, a liar and hasn't a clue about world politics.   You voted in a man with "community organizer" experience (at best), knowing nothing more about him to find out that he's pro-muslim, anti-American and schooled from early childhood through his higher education in communist and socialist agendas.
If you vote him in again, you deserve what you get.   This time it won't be as "pretty".   Only a really stupid person could vote for someone that has deteriorated this country as much as Obama has.   The only excuse for that is either ignorance or stupidity.   Ignorance can be cured; stupidity is permanent.   Which are you ?


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