Thursday, November 08, 2012

Congratulations on your re-election....
Who does Obama blame now...Congress of course.

Now that we're through with spending hundreds of millions of dollars on an election, we see that nothing has changed.   The Senate is still run by the Democrats, the House is still run by the Republicans, and we still have the same President and Vice President.   What waste of time and money.
The real losers are us.   With Obama being re-elected, there is no chance of ObamaCare going away.
This presents a huge problem.  

A friend of mine called me to ask what he should do.   His Mother's primary care physician informed here that he is closing his practice by the end of the year and she would have to find another doctor.   She called over twenty doctors in her area and was told, in every case that they either were shutting down their practice or not taking any new patients on Medicare.
After hearing this, I called two of my doctors.   My cardiac doctor has already left medicine and went into engineering and my Pulmonary doctor is considering retiring.
Worse than that is we will soon have a M.D. shortage and you will be on a waiting list to see a doctor.
My primary care physician is solving this problem by only seeing patients that pay Medicare, no insurance, no nuthin' only.
Several hospitals have foreseen this problem and are setting up "teaching facilities" to train Medical Care Specialists to fill in for licensed M.D.s.  
Some believe that this is a plot to reduce the number of people on Social Security by having them denied the medical attention that they need.   Then, Obama can say that he saved Social Security.


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